A portal to another dimension

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 Twilight s POV 

 Me and spike were testing some magic spell that we found. " Hey,twilight.Check this one." Spike gave me a magic spell that can build a portal to another dimension. " Come on Twilight, try it ! " . " what? No, spike. We can t do that. It may cause  trouble.. " I got cut off by the others went in the library.

" Hey twily! Hey spiky ! Ooooh! What s that ?! " pinkie grab the the spell. when she saw what spell it is, her smile went bigger. " Oh boy.. " I groan quietly. " Please ????!!? It should be fun !!! " pinkie jumped around me until i agreed with her. " Um.. twilight, i don t think it s  a good idea.. " fluttershy said to me. Neither i didn t think its a good idea.

Donnie s POV 

I was just went back from kitchen to the lab, when i saw a book laying at the floor." Hm? What s this ? " I picked up the book and went into my lab. The book has some languege that i didn t know how to read. " interisting.. " i said, when mikey went into the lab. " Hey donnie ! I made a pizza !! to cheer you up ! .Of course i forgot to mention that April and Casey went on a vacation for 5 month, just both of them.BOTH OF THEM !!! Since i have a crush with april,i kinda upset.That s why the other try to cheer me up. " Um.. donnie ? Are you trying to make a portal to april? ".Hm ? Of course not mikey !! " Then he drop the pizza and shouted. " THEN, WHAT ON EARTH IS A PORTAL DOING IN YOUR LAB !?!?! " He pointed behind me. When i am turned around, i saw a portal.Its not in triangle or in purple colour, so it  isn t the kraang.

" AAAARGH!!! " A voice shoted.It land in front of me.

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