Raphael 2012 X AppleJack : Gone Forever

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Tears escaped the cowgirl's eyes as her body froze. Her mouth slightly opened, letting out a small whimper.




" NO!" AppleJack cried, moving her feet and speed into the lab. Before she could even reach the door, Leonardo and Donatello grabbed both of her arms; blocking her from getting into the lab.

" LET ME GO!" She shouted, " He's not dead--Raph's-- That idiot must not died yet!"

" AppleJack! Calm down!" Leo shouted back, " You can't do a-anything!" His voice that used to sounds confidence and strong turned raspy and broke, " He's..He's..Raph's d-d-dea..dead." The words seemed difficult to be pronounced.

" No--please--I--" AppleJack stopped struggling,her knees gave out and she sat on the floor.

Tears running down Donnie's cheeks as well, " T-This is a-all m-my fault-- I was too p-panicked- I couldn't save him- " He closed his face with his green hands, " I AM SUCH A LET DOWN!"

" Donnie, i-it's okay.." Leo whispered, trying to wipe his tears away, " I-It's not your fault..If Raph was here- he'd say the same thing.."

Leonardo's blue ocean eyes filled with tears; he should have known this day'd come. They've lost master Splinter already, and now it was Raph's turn. Leo and Raph always fight and argue with each other. But among his other brothers; Raph was the most brother Leo cared and loved. After Splinter died, Leo had to carry his role as the leader and although Raph always made it difficult, Raph understood. His hot head brother understood. Raph understood Leo and he sometimes tried to stay out of trouble and kept his temper control just to lift the burdens from Leo. Raphael was a softy behind his rough characteristic.

" Leo, listen," Raph sighed, " I am sorry for everything i said; you were right, i didn't know how to be a leader like you." Raph whispered.

Leo decided to teased his brother, " Huh? What was that?"

Raph rolled his eyes, " I am..sorry."

" Sorry? I can't hear you." Leo smiled mockingly.

" I said..." Raph growled, " I AM SORRY!" He yelled, making the fearless leader jumped.

Leo rubbed his non- existed ear, " Eh, apologies accepted."

Raphael smiled.

" But Raph's not HERE!" Donnie screamed at Leo and looked down and he sobbed.

Donatello stared at the floor as his tears pouring down from his brown-red eyes nonstop. Raph, his brother was gone and his heart shattered like broken glasses; it was more painful than losing April to Casey. Beside Leo, Donnie could be close to Raph sometimes. Yes, Raph always said Donnie has no change with April and Raph always teased him. But maybe because Raph doesn't want Donnie to be upset, nor wasting time creating weird things in the lab and Raph maybe wanted Donnie to hang out with him and the others more often. Donnie knew; Raph may said his inventions useless and worthless to be used, but deep inside, Raph was proud of Donnie's hard working.

" Have I ever told you, you're awesome?" Raph said as he stared at the Shellraiser in awe.

Donnic chuckled and smirked, " Nope."

" I might considered that."

Michaelangelo was so young- still naive, but the death of his brother taught a lesson about that the  world could be unfair and cruel sometimes. Mikey had his hands wrap around Shinigami's waist as he screamed and crying loudly. His baby blue eyes were filled with sadness and no more laughter. He remembered the time that Raph always beat him; mocking Mikey with names. He used to hated them but Mikey desperately wanted to hear Raph's voice mocking and teasing him again. He just wanted to hear Raph and sees his mocking smirk as the red masked turtle laughed before comforts Mikey with pizzas.

" Say it!" Raph said, pinning his brother on the ground.

Mikey tried his best not to roll his eyes, " Raph is the most strong mutant and i am the weakest and he could easily beat me."

" And?" Raph choked Mikey.

" And he's the king of universe and i am just a useless garbage!" Mikey shouted.

Raph laughed, helping Mikey to get up and promise him to but his favourite pizza flavor later that day.

And there were the turtles humans friends; April O'neil, Casey Jones, Karai or Miwa as the turtle's stepsister and Shinigami. April, a teenager girl with orange hair that tied in ponytail cries as she hugged Casey. The hockey boy's eyes were closed and his face was emotionless but inside, he was broken. Raph was his bestest friend Casey could ever had- even if Raph's a mutant. Karai's eyes were closed as well and her hands was crossed over her chest. She frowned upon the memories of herself fighting Raph before she found out that Splinter was her real father. She might have not be very close nor fond of Raphael; but Karai wouldn't be embarrassed to admit that she was also sad of Raph's death. Shinigami patted Mikey's shell softly. Her other hand grabbed her hat and removed it from her head as a sign of respect towards Raphael. She had a sad expression just like Karai's.

Last but not least; Applejack. Raph's second love after Mona Lisa. Applejack still crying but there was no more sounds came out from her mouth. She was too stunned to do anything else. Her emerald green eyes that somehow similar to Raph's, turned a bit darker. Cold fist wrapped around her heart. It was the same feeling when she lost her parents; Applejack had lost so many people she loved, she started to get used to it. The memory of herself meeting Raph for the first time still fresh in her minds.

" Hey, yer' all right there?" Applejack asked as she saw a mutant turtle sat on her uncle's apartment roof with tears in his eyes. The mutant didn't even look at Applejack.

" Leave me alone! " He shouted," You don't know how it feel to be left by someone you loved!"

Applejack raised her eyebrows. She had a feeling that the mutant was left by his girlfriend; sure, she couldn't do anything about it.

" Hey-" Applejack called again, " Sorry to hear that. I can't help you but, do you want a slice of an apple pie? It might help you."

For a second the mutant didn't say anything as he wiped his tears away. When he looked at Applejack, the girl noticed that his eyes were emerald green like her's.

" Yeah- sure. " He sobbed, " I'd love to. I like apples. Thanks." 

" No prob." Applejack smiled warmly, " My name is Applejack."

The mutant smiled a little, " I am Raphael-- call me Raph."

Applejack wanted to screamed his name; she wanted to hug Raph, she wanted to kiss his warm lips again, she wanted to see those sparkling emerald eyes that always stared at Applejack with loves. But it won't happen. Not anymore.

Raphael, the red masked mutant turtle, the strong, the stubborn, the one who always protect his family no matter what happened;

Gone forever.

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