Reader's love stories test!

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To ALL the readers! Please comment and tell if these are good or bad! If they're good,i will make a book from one of them if i have my own holiday in a few weeks or months.

Transformers Animated Prowl x Reader : 

" Sari!"

" *Gasp* Zoe! You're here! "

You watched your best friend,Zoe,( You can change your best friend name if you want ) Hugged her little sister,Sari. You smiled softly and walked over. Sari noticed you and looked at you.

" Who are you?" The little girl asked and Zoe quickly pulled your hand.

" *Cough* Sari,this is (Y/n). She's my best friend. You know,who came from Japan. . .?"

" Oh! You mean,(Y/n) (L/n)?" Sari asked and Zoe nodded. You looked at Zoe and elbowed her, " You told her about me?" Zoe chuckled and you frowned. Sari took your hands and shook yours with her, " Nice to meet you,(Y/n)!" She said, " Nice to meet you too,Sari." You smiled and she frowned a bit, " How did you know my name?"

" Well,duh! I yelled your name just now!" Zoe crossed her arm and Sari giggled before say sorry. Then,she brought you and Zoe walked around the park," It's glad to have you back from California!" Sari smiled, " Yeah,me too! Hey,Sari. Care to show us around this place later?" Zoe asked and Sari nodded. You looked around and suddenly,a bird flew at you. The bird softly landed on your head. Zoe and Sari laughed as they saw the bird sat on your head. You laughed and carefully grab the bird with your fingers.

" Hey,there little fellow." You smiled and the bird flew to your shoulder and nuzzled your neck. Sari watched in awe, " Wow! Animals must like you! ' Zoe scoffed, " Well,(Y/n) is the most kind girl i have ever met and she's really good at taming animals. It's just nature." Zoe said and Sari nodded. Suddenly,the bird chipped loudly and flew away. You,Zoe and Sari looked at each other in confusion. Sari looked at your back and gasped.

" (Y/n)! Watch out!! " She yelled and pushed you. You and Sari fell on the ground. Your eyes widened as you saw a big gigantic robot was looking at you! Zoe gasped and step backward. 

" Starscream." Sari gripped her teeth. You raised your eyebrows. ' What? She knew that thing?' You thought. The robot laughed.

" Hello,humans! I see one of you have the thing i want,so give it to me! " He said.

Sari grabbed your hand and yelled, " RUN!!!" You did as she told and grabbed Zoe too. " Grr! Come back you little-! "

" Get away from them!!" A voice yelled and you looked back when you saw another robot with black and gold color stood not so far away from you three. Sari smiled, " Prowl!!"

" Prowl?" Zoe looked at you and you shrugged,obviously innocent and don't know what's going. " You better don't interrupt my work or i'll squish your little friends! " Starscream said as he raised on of his foot,ready to step on you three, " No! " Prowl growled and attacked Starscream. A fight happened and Sari dragged you and Zoe away from the fight. A minute later,you girls were surrounded by trees and bushes. Zoe stopped and panting heavily.

" What on earth was that?!" She asked/yelled

" I'll explain to you later but we better-"

" Sari! Move!" Zoe yelled as he saw a big metal hand tried to grab her but you pushed sari away so you got grabbed instead. " (Y/n)!!" Zoe and Sari yelled as you screamed. Prowl just arrived as they were some scratch on his body. Starscream glared at Prowl, " Don't hurt her! " Prowl yelled," You asked for this!!" Starscream said and gripped you harder.

" AAAHHHHEEELLLPPP!!! LET ME GO!!!! " You screamed so hard and suddenly,bright light surrounded you.

Starscream yelped as the light hurt him. He let go off you and you fell. Zoe quickly caught you as Starscream walked away slowly. " This is not over yet!!" he yelled and ran off. You were breathing heavily and Prowl kneel down. 

" How is she,Sari?" He asked with a hint of fear in his voice. Sari rushed over to you. 

Your right chest glows blue light and Sari looked at her key which glowing too before placed it on your chest. Just in a few seconds,you opened your eyes and the key stop glowing same as your chest. Sari and Prowl looked at each other as their face looked shock. You groaned and rubbed your temple.

" (Y/n),are you alright!?" Zoe asked

" Y-Yeah. . . I guess . . . What happened?" You asked,slowly looked at the robot then Sari.

" It couldn't be. . . " Sari whispered and Zoe looked at her, " What? What couldn't be?"

Sari looked at you, " My key can only heal robots. . . it can't heal humans. . .Right Prowl?" Sari looked at the black gold robot as he tapped his chin.

" Or. . ."

" Or what?" You,Zoe and Sari asked.

" She's not a normal human. . ." Prowl said and all of them looked at you.

" . . .What. . . ? "

A/n : Well,i'm tired so this chapter end here. comment please! i'm still learning about transformers actually. ^^

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