TFP Ratchet X Twilight : Truth beneath lies

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Twilight Sparkle, a teenager girl that has purple hair and violet eyes,  smiled as she heard the school bell rung; packing her books, she said goodbye to her classmates and walked out to see her close friends; Rafael, Jack and Miko.

" Hey, Twily!" Miko, a Japanese girl, grinned, " Ready to go?"

" Yeah, Let's go." Twilight said, adjusting her glasses.

The 4 friends walked together while talking about what should they do at the Autobot's base. Ah,yes, Twilight also knew the Autobot as well as Raf, Jack and Miko. Twilight transferred from the Canterlot to Jasper Nevada school because of her dad's work. At first, she was really upset, but when she met Raf, Jack and Miko- Twilight felt more comfortable. She even became more comfortable to live in Jasper when she met the Autobot by accident. Why? No idea.

Outside, there were several cars that were parked in front of the school. There was a beautiful motorcycle, Arcee, a femme Cybertronian that was also Jack's guardian. Bumblebee, in his vehicle mode, an Urbana car with yellow colors followed by a few stripes of black lines, opened his car door to let Raf in. Miko jumped right into a big car with green color; Bulkhead. Twilight's guardian was Smokescreen; a very active and cheerful Autobot.

" Hello, Smokescreen." Twilight greeted, getting into the passenger seat.

" Hey, Twilight." Smokescreen replied, " Have you packed your things for the sleep- whatever you humans called- at the base?"

Twilight nodded, " Yeah, but could you send me home before we go straight to the base? I left my bag and i need to leave a note or my brother will hunt me like a prey." She grumbled a bit, remembering Shining Armor dragged her away from Pinkie's house when she forgot to left a note.

Smokescreen laughed, " Sure thing! Hold tight!"


" All done." Twilight said, closing her bag zips after checking back her things. 

After making sure she left a note and locked all the windows and doors, she happily walked out of her house. Twilight opened Smokescreen's door and sat on the seat once again.

" All ready, let's go."

But Smokescreen kept silent- which made Twilight became confused. Her eyes glanced toward the side mirror, only to sees a red car a few meters away from Twilight's house. The girl gasped quietly; she looked back to the front. Smokescreen broke the silence;

" Twilight-"

" I know."

" Seatbelt?"

" Check."

And with that, Smokescreen turned his engine on and dashed off. Knockout followed; enjoying the chase. He drove in his fastest speed and Knockout was driving beside Smokescreen. Chuckling at the look of fear on Twilight's face, Knockout bumped Smokescreen so hard, the Autobot lost control and the car spun around madly into the forest until it bumped into a tree. Twilight gasped; rolling out of the car and coughed. Smokescreen transformed and he changed his servos into blasters; shooting Knockout. The red car transformed into a red bot and charged towards Smokescreen with his servos turning into blades.

" T-Twilight!" Smokescreen said, blocking Knockout's attacks, " RUN!"

Twilight didn't need to be told twice; She doesn't want to leave Smokescreen, but she knew better than to risk her life, sitting there doing nothing. Twilight started to ran as far as she could. She gasped when something snatched her from the ground. Twilight struggled to escaped Knockout's grip but it was useless. Knockout laughed;

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