Donatello 2014/2016 X Twilight Sparkle : Come back,please.

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Is this the only way?

" Donnie,have you ever heard of the Tanseigai sword?" Twilight asked,sitting beside the mutant turtle that still focus on the laptop's screen. 

He looked at his love, " You mean the twin of the Tensegai sword?" Twilight nodded, " The only thing the different from them is,the Tensegai sword was created to destroy things in it's path while  Tanseigai sword was created just to. . ." She paused,narrowing her eyes at Donnie.

Donnie chuckled, " Healed people and bring back the dead to live once."

Guess it is. . .

The night feels longer than before as the turtles was battling the Foot Clan to save the girls. Donnie swung his staff,knocking some foot ninja,focusing on his surrounding. Twilight's eyes sparkled with thousand stars as she knew her love will always save her and protect her. But then,her eyes caught Leonardo and Karai was battling each other when Karai's sword was knock from her hands,swinging toward Donatello.

Twilight gasped, " Donnie!!!!" She yelled,running toward Donnie. The purple mask turtle was too shock to respond and then,everything seems so slow. . .




Blood came out from the mouth,as Twilight coughed. The sword stabbed her and she wounded so badly. The sword pierced into her body so deep,that you can see the tip of the sword on her back,bloods dripping from the sword. 

Donatello,carried Twilight's body as he and his brothers were rushing into their lair. His eyes were filled with horror. He was afraid they don't have enough time. Oh,and his nightmare had came true, as Twilight's eyes started to close down,slowly until her eyes were unable to open again. . .

. . .

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. . .

" We got it," Panted Leo as he ran toward Donnie, carrying an old sword. A sword that he had no choice but to stole it,for his family. Donnie took the sword gently,drawing it from its cover. Master Splinter held his son's hands.

" Be careful,Donatello. You only have one change and no more than that. Everything has their own limits." Master Splinter said wisely and Donnie nodded.

Donnie walked slowly as he lifted the sword,still looking at the ground. He whispered ;

" Come back,please."

And with that,he slices the sword and a bright light shines from the tip of the sword as magic surrounded the places. Then,everything went back to normal. Everyone turns their attention to the dead body.

Her eyes started to open and she looked at Donatello.

" Donnie. . ." Twilight whispered.

A/n : I do not believe humans can bring back the death to life,and only god can do that! I just write this for hobby and i have no attend to mock any religions. Forgive me,please.

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