Rebel x Applejack

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Normal POV

It was just a fine noon when Applejack walked toward the street punk turtles place. And when she arrived...


Voice of the hothead,grumpy turtle,Rebel,was heard miles away. Applejack stopped as she dredged her ear and walked in. She stopped again and her eyes went wide as Applejack saw the turtles place was a mess!

"Rebel,what happened!?" Applejack asked

"Ugh! The others messed up this place while I was training in the dojo! Especially Swift and M.C.!! And now they're gone!!" Rebel mumbled

"Gone where?"

" * Sigh * Like always..."

Rebel and Applejack sighed together. Then,Applejack got an idea before snapped her fingers.

"How about we clean this place up? Then,you can take teach them a lesson." Applejack suggested

" 'We'? " Rebel scoffed and Applejack got offense a bit

" What's with that scoffed?"

"Nothing." Rebel said in teasing tone

Applejack growled " I raised in a farm for 16 years and i've done many chores in one single day!!!" Applejack said confidently

"Well,I know you were raise in a farm. I think..I like your idea. Especially the last part." Rebel smirked with Applejack

They both started to cleaned up the place. Starting with the living room,then Swift's room,M.C.'s room,but Ghost's room,they didn't even went in cause Ghost more responsible than others.

"AJ,go take the laundry in the washing machine." Rebel said as he walked out with a trash bag.

Applejack did what she was told and went to the basement where the machine was. She took out the clothes but some stuck and she had to get into the machine. Applejack put her head in until her butt was in the air and when she reached the stuck clothes,a noise was heard behind her.

Applejack get out and turned only to saw Rebel looked at her with wide eyes while a basket with dirty clothes was beside his legs. Applejack ignored what happened when she noticed the dirty clothes.

"Oh,hey. You wash them' and ah' go hanging these." Applejack said before walked away while whistling.

Rebel stood in silence while his cheeks were red and he rubbed his neck while groaned softly.

"Damn,it was nice"

~Time Skip~

Applejack was cooking in the kitchen with Rebel help when the radio that he turned on,played some story about a family. Applejack was attracted to it but Rebel didn't. It was about a girl that ran away from home because she hated her parents. And when she went back home,her parents was gone and will never come back.

"Boring." Rebel said

"No,it is not." Applejack said as she cut vegetables

"Why do you care? It's pretty lame~ listen,Applejack. I already know what is the moral of this story. It was her fault that her parents dead." Rebel said when suddenly he heard the cutting noise getting louder.


Rebel turned and saw Applejack's finger bleeding.

"Applejack! " Rebel rushed toward her.

"Didn't I told you to be more-" Rebel paused as he saw tears came out from her eyes.

".....Applejack...??" Rebel called,getting confused by her behavior

" I...." Applejack paused

"Lost my parents when I was young and it was..."


"It was all my fault."


"It was all my fault!!"

"STOP IT!!!"

Applejack begun to cried and she looked down. Rebel sighed and held her bleeding finger,making the cowgirl looked up.

 Rebel sighed and held her bleeding finger,making the cowgirl looked up

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Rebel then,gave her a hug. Applejack hugged him back while her tears drying away. Rebel kissed her cheek and whispered...

"I am sorry."

"...I know."

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