Mikeypie : My Turtle Titan

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( Tmnt 2003 )

Normal POV

The moonlight shining a girl,who was staring at the night sky as she sighed. Her named was Pinkie pie,and she was waiting for her friend. But her friend,was not like others,it was The Turtle Titan. Pinkie and he,became a good friend,since The Turtle Titan saved her from the Purple Dragon. But it has been 2 months,The Turtle Titan stopped visiting Pinkie.She still waiting for him with hope. Tomorrow,will be her 16 birthday and she only wished to see her long lost crush.

" T.T. , where are you.." Pinkie said,calling the Turtle Titan with a nickname that she gave.

Pinkie Pie went back into her room,before locking the window and went to sleep.

~At the lair~

Michaelangelo sighed as he continued starting at the ceiling in his room. He missed his best friend,Pinkie Pie. But since his brothers discovered he was The Turtle Titan,he had stop visiting Pinkie because his brothers kept watching him. Mikey knew,tomorrow will be her 16 birthday and he wanted to see her. He has to see her!

"Ugh..The others will be mad at me if they know I have a human friend.." Mikey said before he heard a knock on his door.

"Hey,Mikey! Dinner is ready!" Shouted his hothead brother,Raphael.

"Coming!" Mikey said before went into the kitchen with Raph.

Once they were they,Mikey just stared at his pizza.His mind was still focusing on Pinkie pie.

"Mikey? Don't you wanna to eat?" Asked Donatello.

"I don't have any appetite." Mikey said before pushing the plate and went into his room.

His brother and even Master Splinter were shocked.Mikey never acted like that!

"Is he have a fever?" Raph asked

"That's weird,Michaelangelo never not finish his food." Leonardo said as he looked at Mikey's room.

"Something is off,and I can feel it." Donnie said

"You three have to investigate what is wrong with Michaelangelo. This is not likely him." Master Splinter said before his sons nodded.

After a while,the three brothers tried to cheer up Mikey.

"Hey,Mikey! Let's go skateboarding!" Raph said and knocked on his door.

"Hmhm..Later.." Mikey said,making Raph shocked.Raph let Donnie's turn

"Oh Mikey,I have invented laughing gas.Do you want to try?" Donnie asked

"Hmhm..No,thanks.." Mikey answered. And now,it's Leo's turn

"Mikey,Clunk is sick!" Leo said

"No,you're lying. Clunk is purring at your feet,Leo.." Mikey said as Leo looked at his feet,only to saw Clunk was purring at him.

"Okay,that's it!" Raph said before he opened Mikey's room door.

Mikey was sitting on his bed while looking down. His brothers walked to him and looked at each other.

"Mikey,does something bothering you??" Donnie asked

"Well even if I tell you,you guys won't let me do it " Mikey said,still looking down.

"Mikey,you have to tell us what is it. Maybe we will let you?" Leo said and put his hand on Mikey's shoulder.

"Okay..Don't be mad.I..." Mikey continued his story.


"Alright,you can go." The three brothers said making Mikey shocked

"Wait-what!? But I thought--" Mikey cut off by Raph

"She sound special for yah,so we think you can go." Raph said and crossed his arm

"But only in one condition." Donnie raised his finger.

"You can only see her tomorrow, and then,that's it." Leo said while the other nodded.

"DEAL!! YESSSS!!!!" Mikey exclaimed  happily and fist his hand in the air.

~The next Night~

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY,PINKIE PIE!!!" The mane 6 exclaimed before they gave Pinkie their present.

"Wow,girls! Thank you!! You guys are the best!!" Pinkie said and they have a group hugged.

After 2 hours of partying and cleaning the places,the mane 6 have to go home.

"Bye,Pinkie! See you tomorrow,at School!" Rainbow Dash said before walked out of the door.

When everybody went home,Pinkie sighed and walked to her Windows room.She opened it and went to the roof top.The cool breeze making she chill a bit.

"Ooh~ Freezing!" Pinkie said as she hugged herself.

"Then,why do you went up here?" A familiar voice said.

Pinkie turned and saw The Turtle Titan smiling at her.

"T.T.!!!!" Pinkie said before run up to him and hugged him tightly.Making Turtle Titan blushed.

"I missed you!" Pinkie said and looked at his eyes

"I missed you too,but I have some trouble with my brothers passed these months. Sorry for not visiting you,this lately." He apologized

"It's okay! At least you're here!And that already made me feel HAPPY!!" Pinkie said before hugged him again. And this time Turtle Titan hugged her back.

"Actually,My real name is Michaelangelo and my nickname is Mikey. But you can call me anything ." Mikey said

Pinkie pie giggled and nodded.Then,Mikey surprised her with his present.

"(Gasp) CAT!! AWW!! IT SO CUTE!!" Pinkie said and hugged Clunk

"(Chuckled nervously) I don't have time to buy present for you,but you can play with my cat,Clunk.And Happen Birthday." Mikey said and scratched his neck.Pinkie thanked him with a sweet smile.

They both sat down and talked to each other. They never feel like that for a long time. And then Mikey leaned in,making Pinkie pie blushed.

"You know,I am not only wanted to come here to say happy birthday to you." Mikey said with a smirked

"Then what is it??" Pinkie asked,tried to hide her blushed.

"I also came here to meet the most beautiful and funniest girl a have fall for a long time." Mikey said

Before Pinkie Pie could do anything,a pair of lips smashed into her's.Pinkie melted into the kiss and kissed him back.After that,they both broke the kiss for air.

"I love you so much,Pinkie." Mikey confessed

"I love you too,My Turtle Titan." Pinke said and Mikey chuckled.

After having their times together,Mikey has to go home now.

"I know this is the last time we will meet,but don't forget me,Pinkie! I will always love you and watching you!" Mikey said with a wink

"I will always love you,too! I won't forget about you,Mikey! I am sure we will meet again someday!" Pinkie said before hugged Mikey and waved at him as he jumped away.

Mikey and Pinkie went back to their home/room,with a smile on their faces.

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