Mikeypie : Magic chocolate

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A/n : In this chapter,Aikawa is a main character in a book name " Sweet Magic Chocolate"

(Tmnt 2014 )

Normal POV

It was early in the morning in the lair of the turtles and it had been a years since the Kraang were thrown away from the world and the turtles save the people of New York. In Mikey's room,there was a girl with pink curly hair named Pinkie Pie was staring at Michaelangelo who was sleeping.


She pinched his 'nose'(if he has one,I kinda see it flat a bit XD)

"Ah!! Pinkie! I told you,don't wake me up like that again!" Mikey said and Pinkie giggled

They both were really closed since the first time they met.How did it happened? Hmm...Well,let just said Mikey dropped a pizza box from the roof and Pinkie and Twilight were happened to walked in front of the building before her head got hit by the pizza box. Mikey and Pinkie chuckled before walked out of the room.

"Hey, Mikey,got yah nose pinched by Pinkie,again??" Raphael asked as he punched the dummy

"Yup!" Pinkie exclaimed

Raph just chuckled and watched them walked to the kitchen. Leonardo walked out of the dojo and saw Mikey with Pinkie eating pizza together.He smiled,knowing they both really closed. Donatello walked to kitchen and made a cup of coffee for himself.

"Good morning,Donnie!" Pinkie said

"Morning." Donnie said as he put sugar in the coffee

"Yo,Donnie. I don't think you need those sugar.." Mikey teased

"And why is that?"

"Because you already too SWEET for Twilight!! BUHAHAHAH!!" Mikey and Pinkie Pie burst into laughter

Donnie was blushing as red as tomatoes before walked back to the lab quickly. Twilight walked in the lair and walked passed Donnie.


Twilight greeted but Donnie stunned and yelped at her before ran into the lab,with red face,leaving the confused Twilight. With Mikey and Pinkie,they both spent the day together. When it was almost night,they both went to the skate park since people weren't there and Mikey wore clothes. Suddenly,a girl named Susan, saw Pinkie and Mikey. Susan smirked as she knew the victim of her bullying activities. Pinkie always got bullied by her at school but she didn't tell the others about it.

"Hello,Pie!" Susan said as she ran to Pinkie

On the other hand,Pinkie was shocked while Mikey stopped skateboarding and waved at Susan.

"Oh! What a coincidence! My name is Susan! Pinkie's friend! And you must be.."

"Um..Michaelangelo.." Mikey smiled

Susan smirked and held Mikey's arm,making Pinkie gasped with Mikey. She kept flirting with Mikey. Pinkie was not happy,since she in loves with Mikey. A few minutes later,Susan left.

"Wow,Pinkie. I didn't know you got HOT friends!" Mikey said and Pinkie became more sad.

"M-Mikey..I..I gotta go.." Pinkie said and ran away

"Wait!! Hey...what did I do..??"


Pinkie's POV

It's not Fair!! It's really,really not fair!! I like Mikey,but why can't he see that!? Am I too lame or hideous compared to Susan!? I ran through the forest and bumped into a tree. I looked up and saw a shop.. a chocolate shop..I get up and saw a woman with black cat walked to me.

"Hello~ My name is Aikawa Shokora...the owner of this shop..I see you might have wishes to do. Come in." She said and walked inside

Wishes??? What kind of wishes?? Aikawa hand me a hot cocoa,which I gladly smiled and thanked her. She sat in front of me.

"Tell me your problem,Pinkie."

Wait,how does she knew my name?? And how does she knew I have problems!? Is she a Jedi!? °_°

"Well..I..I..got a crush..and my enemy wanted to take him away from me..I..I am scared.." I said as tears rolled down

"I see.. " She said and get up before gave me a pack of biscuits.

"Take this. It's the changer chocolate biscuits. You can change anyone into different types of animals you want. But...you have to pay me.."

I rubbed my pocket but found nothing. So I gulped but she chuckled and smiled.

"The payment are not In money shapes...my chocolate are very expensive,you know...you might lost one of the most precious thing that you have right now." Aikawa said and I nodded

Before I left,I hugged her and she stunned. How did I know that? Well,the fact she didn't hugged me back. I walked to away from the place with a smile across my face.


~The next day at school~

"So..Mikey is a mutant,right? Don't worry,I won't tell anyone."

Susan said and I sot suspicious with her. But since I came to school today,she kept doing nice thing to me and I think she might have change! Yay! :-D

"You know,I like Mikey just like you too,so how about we fight with peaceful way?" Susan held out her hand and I shocked

My memories flashed back to the time I wanted to vanished her..now..I felt so bad.. I quickly took out the biscuits from my pocket and shouted.


I shouted and she stood in silence before took the biscuits. I looked up only to find she was smiling.

"How could you,Pinkie? I thought you're a good girl..but turned out you also an idiot..." She said and took out a piece of biscuits.

"Susan..w-what are you.."


Susan ate the biscuits and a light covered me. I closed my eyes and waiting them to stop. And when I opened my eyes,I...I saw myself..as..as..a..

"(Gasp)!!! I AM A CAT!?!?!?"

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