Leoshy : Separate away -Part 2

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(Tmnt 2003)

Fluttershy's POV

The next day,was a nightmare to me. My friends being ignoring me for some reason and my mind was still focused on Leo. I broke up with him yesterday and that was all my fault. I need to apologize! When I went back home,I bought a sword from this online Japan sword. It may cost thousands,but this is for Leo. I wrapped it with plastic and put it in a box before walked to the lair.



I almost screamed when Mikey suddenly ran toward me and shake my body more stronger than usual and I dropped the box beside my feet.

"W-What is it,Mikey?" I asked shaking

"It's Leo!! He hurts Master Splinter!!" I gasped and gripped Mikey's shoulder

"Where is Leo!?"

" In the dojo!!"

Not words more,I ran toward into the dojo. I saw Leo was practicing his sword and when he saw me,he put the sword away and walked towards his room. I followed Leo while asking.

"Leo,why did you hurts Master Splinter?!"

"It's none of your business!"

"It is my business! I am your girl- I mean-!" I paused for a bit

"I am your friend!!" I yelled,as my anger rose up

Wow,this is the first time I became so angry than usual. Leo ignored me and kept walking. I tried to grabbed his hand when....




Did Leo just...


"Did you..just.."

" Fluttershy!!"

"Slapped me??"

I asked as tears ran down my cheek and my body was shaking so hard. And with that,I ran away,leaving Leonardo.


Normal POV

Master Splinter was concerned about his older son so he send him to Japan. Before Leo went to Japan,Master Splinter saw a box and read some words written on it.

-For my beloved Leonardo
                From Fluttershy <3

Master Splinter smiled and put it secretly in Leo's bag.

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