Mikeypie : Magic chocolate- Ending

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Pinkie Pie's POV

The next morning,I woke up and found,Mikey wasn't beside me.Hmm..why should I worried?He must have morning training in the dojo.I get up and stretch my body like a cat(I am a cat.now.XD) When I walked out of Mikey's room,I heard some voices from the kitchen.

"Mikey is crazy."

"Raph,he just trying to find Pinkie."

"Where is she??"

I meowed and three of them looked at me.

"Oh hey,fuzzy.Looking for Mikey,huh?" Leo said

"Heh,Mikey went out."Raph said

"What?Why??" I meowed

That when Mikey went into the kitchen.Wet.And dirty.What..??

"Woah..Mikey..You look.."Donnie paused

"I didn't find her!!What if something happens to Pinkie?!?!" Mikey yelled

"Mikey,calm down!Yah bein' to dramatic!" Raph get up from his seat

"But what if-!?"

"We'll find her.Tonight,okay?It's daylight so we can't get out." Leo ordered and calmed Mikey down

"She won't be in the sewer just because she tried to came here.I know she won't get lost easily."Donnie said

Mikey...He was looking for..me??Aww,Mikey..

~Time Skip~

I followed Mikey as he and his brothers split up to find me.After hours,he stopped on a roof and sighed.

"Pinkie..Pie..Where are you...??"

I can't see him sad! I have to do something!

"Mikey!" I meowed but he didn't heard me.

Instead,Mikey lying on the floor and closed his eyes because he tired. I walked on his plastron and tried to wake him up.

"Mikey!Mikey!Wake up!" I tried to wake him up but it is..PAWsibble!(Lol Puns.XD)

That was until I kept rubbing my paws on his flat nose and he struggled before opened his eyes.

"Pinkie,don't!!"Mikey said and grabbed my paws

"...." We both went silent.

"Did you..just do that..??" He asked and I smiled

"Mikey! It is me! You recognize me!" I meowed

"Ugh..Maybe I feel to dizzy."He said and get up.

"What!? Mikey!No!" I meowed

What should I do!?Wait!Maybe I know what to do!

Normal POV

Pinkie kept bitting Mikey's pant and meowing all over.

"What??"Mikey turned and Pinkie started to walked away

Feeling suspicious,Mikey followed Pinkie into the forest.They both walked until arrived at a chocolate shop.Mikey went in and saw a girl with a black cat.

"Ah,welcome to Chocolate Noir shop that can granted your wish.May I help you..Michaelangelo??"Aikawa asked

Mikey was shocked but he ignored it.

"Umm well,my cat,Fuzzy made me walked to this place and I was looking for my best friend.She has gone missing." Mikey said and Aikawa smiled

"Isn't she's standing beside you,right now??"

Mikey turned and Pinkie meowed.

"So it was you."Mikey lift Pinkie up

"Pinkie!What happened to you!? Why you-!?" Aikawa cut Mikey words

"That was my chocolate power.Someone turned her into a cat."She said and Mikey looked worried.

He put down Pinkie and walked to Aikawa.

"How can I help her to be normal,back??" He asked

"You have to eat the same chocolate.But..the payment is something that very important from you.Are you willing to do that??" Aikawa smirked

"(Gasp) Mikey,No!!" Pinkie meowed


Suddenly sparkling surrounded Pinkie Pie and quick as lightning,she turned back into a human.Mikey turned and smiled happily same with Pinkie.

"Mikey!!" Pinkie hugged Mikey

"Pinkie!!" He hugged her back

The black cat named Kakao walked to Aikawa

"How does she turned normal back??" He asked

"Kakao..The chocolate biscuits only have one secret."Aikawa smiled

"Only true love from heart,can broke the spell." Aikawa said


"So you're the one who did that to Pinkie!" Mikey scolded Susan

Leo,Raph and Donnie was glaring at Susan as Pinkie sighed.

"Mikey!Do you know Pinkie tried to turned me first!? " Susan shouted

"But I didn't! You took the biscuits!" Pinkie said

"How dare you! YOU'LL BE SORRY,PINKIE!!!" Susan yelled and tried to attacked her

"Heh." Aikawa appeared from other roof and watched them

"Greedy human who wanted love so badly..."She raised her hand

"Fall into the dark which will never end!" Aikawa said

Suddenly Susan turned and a frog.The turtles and Pinkie gasped as they watched it hopped away.

"I have accepted your payment.."Aikawa said as she held a bottle

"Your human form." She said and walked away

~A week later~

Mikey and Pinkie was playing video game when suddenly Mikey said something.

"You know..After the chocolate accident,Pinkie.."

Love cannot be buy...

"I think..I have fall in love with you." Mikey said and Pinkie stunned as she blushed madly and lost the game

It come from your heart.

"Mikey!S-Say that again!" Pinkie said

"Sorry,bye!" Mikey said and ran away with red face

Do you want your wish to be granted??

The bell rang as a customer walked in.

"Ah,welcome to Chocolate Noir. I am Aikawa shokora."

Then come to my shop.

"What is your wish??"

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