day 16

261 35 0

Aku memilih duduk di sebelah Liam saat masuk ke dalam studio yang lebih besar daripada di rumah. Looks a little bit like studio on Little Things music video.

"You know, it seems that you were not look good with Niall. But now, you look nothing happened with you and Niall after little war in this morning." ujar Liam duduk di sebelahku.

"We have interesting conversation while we were on the way." kataku.


Sierra langsung sibuk dengan papan yang berada diluar studio perekam. Julian ada di sana membantunya.

"I have to go, now. Sorry I can't be in here for today." Harry beranjak dari duduknya.

"What happened?" tanya Liam.

"Nothing. Just my personal thing."

"It feels strange when see you're not in the full team or alone. I miss take me home era, when all of you look cohesive." kataku kecewa karena Harry pergi.

"It all changed when we have our personal life. When Zayn left us, we're not closer like before. Like we loss someone in here." ujar Liam.

"I just want to be honest and say what's in my mind because not all of you read our tweet about the band. But we know, we just fans and never hope more about it."

"We never mean it. When we have the time to read it, we read it. Some cruel tweet and disgusting tweet we read too." jelas Louis.

"We're too meddle in to your personal life, right?" tanyaku.

"Sometimes. But we can't blame them. They're our family, too. But not all of our life they can know it." Niall ikut berbicara.

"Did you see what I see? When where we are tour in San Siro, I saw Zayn like he was not enjoying the concert. I just feel it in his eyes."

"I did." ujar Liam.

"Ziam is my favorite bromance, you know." ujar Roni.

"It's crazy when our fans shipped us as romance." celetuk Louis.

"I think it's so cute when see you in couple like bromance and romance. I'm a larries, but not that crazy larries." kataku.

"I'm normal." ucap Louis dengan nada humor.

"Don't be a normal one like Spongebob, ok?" canda Roni.

Kami hanya tertawa.

"Nice joke, Roni." ujar Niall.

"We're ready, guys!" teriak Sierra.

Aku mengambil gitar kesayanganku dan siap dengan kertas yang mulai berserakan.

"Need some help?" tanya Niall duduk di hadapanku dengan gitarnya.

"Thank you for asking."

"Sing it in full song."

Aku memetikan gitarku dan mulai menyanyikannya. Niall ikut bernyanyi dengan nada yang mulai ia hafal.

"How about this?" tanya Niall memainkan kunci gitar yang berbeda.

Sedikit aneh di telingaku, tapi bisa berpadu dengan nada dasar yang kubuat. Pilihan yang cerdas. Aku hanya mengangguk setuju. Niall masih mencoba kunci lainnya.

Saat memasuki verse kedua, Roni ikut memainkan piano di sisi ruangan lainnya. Lisa juga memainkan ukulele yang ada di sini. Sounds good and different. Sierra memberikan ketukan, suara bass, drum, dan alat musik band lainnya melalui musik elektroniknya yang tetap bisa berpadu dengan musik yang kami buat.

"Can I hear it once again? We have to make a demo first before we record it." teriak Julian.

Kami semua mengangguk. Dan Julian menyalakan perekam di ruangan ini.

"We finished one song today. We get two songs in two days. And we move to Lisa's song. We wanna hear your demo, Lisa."

Lisa mulai bernyanyi dengan suara lembutnya dan memetikkan gitarnya yang kuakui memang lebih ahli dariku.

"Julian, can we record this song with directioners?" tanyaku.

"We can make two version. One with directioners and one again we can change the lyric." lanjutku.

Seseorang bertepuk tangan di pintu studio. Siapa lagi jika bukan Vanessa yang selalu muncul secara tiba-tiba.

"We can choose other directioners." ujar Vanessa.

"I think this will be great if we record it with directioners." ujar Liam.

"I don't want it fails like History." ujar Niall.

"I promise it won't fail like before." ujar Vanessa.

"When you need them? I'll organize them as soon as possible." ujar Vanessa.

"We'll record it at 21st June." ujar Julian.

"How about 6 directioners? Include us, so we have 10 directioners."

"Perfect!" seru Niall.

"I'll prepare it. I'll never make you disappoint." ujar Vanessa keluar dari studio.

SomedayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang