day 15

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Sarapan kali ini hanyalah pancake buatanku dan Roni. Karena kami bangun paling awal, kami-lah yang membuat sarapan.

"Not bad." komentar Niall.

"You never say bad for the food, Niall." balas Louis.

"I go with Fandra, ok?" bujuk Niall.

"Niall interested with someone, everyone!" seru Liam.

"Shut up, Li!" balas Niall.

"I just want to make a friend with her. Can we?" tanya Niall yang duduk di hadapanku.

"I'm never imagining that my idol will ask me to be his friend. Is it real?" aku pura-pura menampar pipiku.

"We're in here about one day and you still think this is a dream, Fandra?" tanya Liam.

"Yeah, because when I got my holiday, I wake up at 12 a.m. and my dreams feels like real. But I wake up and relize that's only my dream." ucapku.

"Basically, same." ujar Roni.

"But now we're real in front of you and talking with you." ujar Harry.

"I know. But this is unusual for me. Waking up with the rumour is usual for me. But waking up with you is extraordinary." kataku.

"You'll have usual life with us from now, then." balas Louis.

Setelah selesai sarapan, kami semua bersiap untuk pergi ke studio bertemu dengan Julian.

"Morning, Mr. Danish." kataku masuk ke dalam mobil.

Aku menunggu yang lainnya masuk ke dalam mobil.

Seseorang mengetuk kaca mobil. Niall.

"What?" tanyaku membuka jendela.

"You with me."

"I won't, I'll go with Mr. Danish." aku baru saja menolak ajakan seorang Niall Horan.

Katakan aku bodoh karena menolak ajakannya. Tapi aku tak mungkin menyuruh Mr. Danish kembali ke rumahnya yang jaraknya tidaklah dekat.

"You reject it? You won't regret it?" tanya Niall.

"I won't ask Mr. Danish to go back home. Appreciate him." kataku.

"Open the door, Mr. Danish." ujar Niall.

"Don't, Mr. Danish."

"You both don't make it difficult! We will come late because of you!" seru Louis.

"You both childish!" bentak Liam.

Astaga, Liam baru saja marah. Baik, siapa yang tidak kesal jika mereka akan datang telat hanya karena perdebatan kecil antara aku dan Niall.

Mr. Danish menuruti permintaan Niall.

"Alright, I go with you and Mr. Danish." ujar Niall duduk di sebelahku.

"Whatever." kataku.

Mobil mulai melaju mengikuti mobil yang lainnya. Aku hanya diam selama perjalanan karena aku merasa canggung.

"Is it far?" tanyaku pada Niall yang juga diam.


"Is the studio far?" tanyaku.

"Thank god, I guess you mad with me."

"No, I'm not mad with you. It's just funny debate with my idol." kataku terkekeh.

"Ok, we're in the small village in England, so we have to be patient to arrive in the studio."

Aku hanya mengangguk.

"Tell me about your country." ujar Niall.

"You already come in there."


"Indonesia. The first concert without Zayn. 25th March 2015."

"You come in that concert?" tanya Niall.

"No. And the worst thing is after I didn't have the ticket, I heard Zayn left One Direction in the first coming in Indonesia." kataku.

"We really sorry."

"It's ok. Wanna hear about my country?" tanyaku.

Niall mengangguk.

"My country is developing country, it consist of islands. Bali, Wakatobi, Lombok, Raja Ampat is the most popular island in Indonesia. I think you already come to one of the islands that I just said. Isn't it?" tanyaku.

"About 1 year ago, maybe."

"So that's real? You come to Bali? I'm sure when you wear ripcurl t-shirt that written Bali and post it on snapchat."

"Ok. Talking about food, Indonesia has so many traditional food from each place. And that's rich of taste. You can taste it's like spicy or sweet or sour in one food. Mostly, salty and crisp. Maybe I can cook one of Indonesian food for you and others."

"You have to."

"Fandra, I already watched all of your videos in Singapore with Vanessa. I interested with your talent when you were playing guitar in front of people in the hotel. That's amazing, you can make other people interested with your performance in the first plucking guitar."

"Thank you."

Obrolan kecilku dengan Niall mengenaiku maupun mengenainya mengisi waktu selama perjalanan menuju studio.

SomedayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang