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I looked out at all of the big lights and realized wow. I'm actually in Hollywood.

I'm in Hollywood visiting my sister over the summer. I'm going to be here for four months. Might as well make the most if it.

The best part is that my favorite band One Direction is in town. I'm probably not going to be able to meet them though.

"I'm so excited Karlee!!" I told my sister while bouncing up and down in the seat of the car.

My sister had just picked me up from the airport. I came all the way from Texas just to visit her. I've wanted to come visit her before now, but my parents are really strict and wouldn't let me come.

"I'm happy you're excited Lily! I have something really big planned! I hope you're excited for four months of fun!" She told me. "I wish you could've come sooner though."

"Well its not my fault that Miss Big shot left me with Mr. And Mrs. Strict back in Texas."

I turned the other way to look out the window hoping she wouldn't say anything, and thankfully she didn't.

~ Author's Note ~
Thank you guys for reading. I know its short and really bad right now, but I promise it'll get better. I already have many ideas! Thank you again if you're reading, and I really hope you'll stick around to the end. Thanks guys, you're the best.
-The author

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