Hey Mom...

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"What did you just say to me?" I said the my sister.

"I'm just telling you so you can prepare to leave."

"Excuse me?" I looked at her, wondering if she was getting my point.

"Mom wants you packed when she gets here so she doesn't have to spend as much time here." She said as she put her hands on her hips. "I would get started if I was you."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. You're funny. I'm not leaving here just because she tells me to! When have I ever done anything she's told me to?" I snapped.

"Just do it!" She snapped at me angrily.

"No! I don't care if mom gets mad at the both of us, I'm not leaving."

"I can't believe you would treat your mom like that."

The guilt trip? That was low.

"More like how could she treat me like this. We'll talk later Karlee." I said as I stormed out if my sister's room.

I stomped down the stairs and out the door, not stopping as I heard footsteps behind me.

"Lily? What happened?!?" I didn't stop until I got to the park that was two miles from my sisters house.

"My sister seems to think it's nice to invite my loving mother to come and take me home." I said sarcastically as I looked at Harry who was walking beside me.

"What?!?" He asked me.

"Well, not exactly like that. My mom isn't very happy with me, and she decided that's she is going to come up here. She told my sister to tell me to get packed so we could leave when she gets here." I sat down on a bench as we watched the swans swim around in the little pond that lied in the middle of the park.

"Are you going to go with her?" He asked sadly.

I laughed, and it obviously came as a shock to Harry who jumped slightly and gave me a weird look.

"Sorry, but no way in the world am I leaving just because my mom tells me to." I told him.

"But she's your-"

"I don't care if she's my mother or not, I'm about to be eighteen, and she's been a bad mother my entire life. I don't really care about what she has to say."

Harry obviously hadn't had any problems with his mom, because he had a look on his face that practically shouted that he was confused. I wish I had a mother like Anne growing up... She's an awesome mother, and its very obvious with the kind of man Harry is.

"Well... When's she going to get here?"  Harry asked.

"I don't know. Could be today for all I know."

"Oh... We should head back to the house don't you think?"

"I don't really want to, but you can." I told him.

"Come on Lily!" He whined as he grabbed ahold of my hand and tried to drag me off if the bench.

"No!" I laughed.

"Fine, we'll have to this a different way." He said as he turned around. "Piggy back ride time!" He shouted causing people to stare at us.

"Harry stop!" I laughed.

"Not until you get on my back!" He shouted again.

"Fine!" I shouted back, finally giving in because I didn't like the stares I was getting.

He grabbed ahold of my thighs as he started running back to the house, me laughing the entire time. He finally stopped when we were a few feet from the house, and I was confused as to why he had stopped until I saw it.

"Do you know whose car that is?" Harry asked me.

"Unfortunately." I said as Harry started to walking towards the door.

We walked into the house where I saw the woman I know as my mother standing talking to Louis who was giving me a looking asking for help. I didn't get the chance to say anything before my mother turned around and was already judging me.

I dropped from Harry's back and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey mom.." I said awkwardly.

"So where are your bags?" She snapped.

"I don't know, the last time I used them was when I was saying 'hallelujah' when I left Texas."  I smiled at her.

"Enough. Now go get your bags."

"Oh... I wasn't kidding." I told the woman standing before me. "I don't know where they are, and even if I did, I'm not coming with you."

"I beg to differ!" She almost yelled as she grabbed ahold of my arm and started to pull me out of the house.

"Let me go!" I struggled to get out of her grip, but I finally managed.

"You are coming with me whether or not you like it!" She said angrily.

"No, I'm not!" I argued.

"And why ever not?" She said as she changed her tone, trying to act as if she was being sweet.

"Because I don't want to." I said as I  put my hands on my hips.

"Too bad." She said, changing her tone and reaching out to grab my arm again, but I pulled away.

"Fine. I'll be back tomorrow and when I get here, you had better have your bags packed." She said as she walked out the door.

"Oh I doubt that'll happen!" I shouted at her and slammed the door shut before she could say anything else.

I turned around and went into the living room to sit on the couch. I turned to look at everyone who had gathered in the kitchen that stood there with astonished looks on their faces.

"What?" I snapped yet again.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked me.

"Why are you all staring at me with those dumb looks on your faces, that's what I mean!" I yelled as I ran up to my room and lied down in my bed.

There was a knock at the door, but I didn't bother to even move, and it didn't really matter seeing as how the person walked in the room anyway.

"You okay?" Harry asked me.

"What do you think?" I said. "Sorry..."

"I understand... You know you can talk to me right?"

"Yeah. I do... But I don't want to talk right now." I said as I leaned into his shoulder. "I just wanna sit here."

"I'm okay with that." Harry said as he put his arm around me and we sat there.

A/N: sorry for the disgusting chapter guys, but I knew that you guys needed an update. I've been getting chastised about it *cough you know who you are cough* bye guys!! Do you think she will wind up leaving or not?

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