Heights and Kisses

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We walked into the amusement park, and almost instantly, I was struck with awe.

The roller coasters were huge, there were so many booths to buy things, there were restaurants, there was a little bit of everything. The best part was that it was almost exactly like Disney Land but bigger and not Disney themed.

However, one specific ride caught my eye: the ferris wheel. I am deathly afraid of heights. I won't even go on a big rollercoaster. I stick to the kiddie rides. People sometimes laugh at me for riding a kiddie ride, but if they had my fear, the would too. The ferris wheel is my worst nightmare. No matter what anyone does to try and get me to ride one, I always refuse, and in one instance kicked someone in the face. I felt so bad after that. So yeah, I haven't been on a ferris wheel in ten years.

Ashton must've seen me looking at it, because he grabbed ahold of my hand again and smiled.

I looked up at him, and automatically, the fear began to leave my body. I leaned against his arm, and I felt at home.

"So what do you want to do first?" He asked me.

"Teacups. Definitely teacups."

"You are like a five year old sometimes. That's part of what I like about you. I've always wanted someone that I can be childish with, and I finally found her." He pulled my hand up to his lips and carefully kissed my hand.

"Well, I'm glad I can be here for that, now let's go ride the teacups." I started running towards the teacups, Ashton chasing after me.

"Well that was fun, but its getting very dark." I said to him, as we sat down on the grass and watched the sun set, and the moon and stars come out.

We had gone on at least 20 different rides, I won him a blue koala, we ate lunch, it was really fun.

"Yeah, but I also have plans, but those are in about an hour." He said looking at his phone.

"Do Australians really say 'shrimp on the barbie'?"

"That has to be the weirdest thing you've ever asked me, and some do, but I don't think I've ever said that in my life." He answered while giving me a weird look.

"Sorry, I just know that English people are the 'fish and chips' people, and I've heard Louis say that, but I haven't heard you, Mikey, Cal, or Luke say 'shrimp on the barbie'. I just thought it was weird."

"Well okay then.." He said nodding and looking up at the moon.

He suddenly pulled out his phone and took a picture of us. I looked over at his phone, and I saw that he was posting it on Instagram. He was typing something, but his hands were in the way, and I couldn't see. He posted it and turned his screen off before I could see any part of what he wrote.

All if a sudden, my phone started buzzing. I pulled it out and saw that Ash had tagged me in a picture. I looked at the picture, and the caption said 'Have I ever told anyone that I have the best girlfriend in the world?'. I commented on it and said 'I don't think you have, but you really do.' He replied, 'I know.' right after I sent that.

I leaned into him, and we just sat there in silence for a bit.

"Come on, we have to go or we're gonna be late." Ash told me.

"Okay okay. I'm coming."

We stood up, and wiped all the grass off of us, but then Ash took off in a sprint. There was no way that I was gonna be able to catch up to him, but I still chased after him.

I was running in the grass at this point, and I hadn't realized that Ash had stopped running and was facing me, so naturally we collided. We both fell to the ground in a fit of laughter, and he pulled me into a hug.

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