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( A/N: Please read the entire authors note at the bottom. Thanks! Now enjoy the story! )

We walked in, and considering it was a weekday, there weren't that many people. We walked around for a little bit and finally decided to go get some food.

"Do you guys know what you want?" Ashton asked us.

"Umm... I think so" I told him.

"Who's paying?" Maddie asked.

"I will I guess..." Ashton said.

He was so sweet! There's nothing he wouldn't do for his friends.

"Umm, I will if you want me to." Maddie told him looking down at the ground smiling.

There was something going on there. They totally had feelings for each other. They would be so cute together! I normally wouldn't meddle, but she's my best friend, and I'm going to make sure they end up together. ( You're welcome Mads! )

"Hey guys," I said talking to everyone except Maddie and Ash, "We should go find our next ride or something like that."

"Okay, let's go." Harry said to the group.

Maddie looked over at me and mouthed thank you to me and I winked back at her walking off arm in arm with Niall. I looked back, and they were talking and laughing. They are so cute!

We walked around for a little bit, and finally, Niall and I started complaining because we were hungry. We walked back to the place where we stopped for lunch, and Maddie was beaming and looking like the happiest person in the world.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked me.

We started walking away, but Mikey was following.

"In private please." She said looking over at Mikey.

"Oh yeah, I get it. Don't want me around. Fine!" Mikey said as he walked away smiling.

Maddie and I laughed and we kept walking.

"Thank you so much for getting me some alone time with Ash!!!

"You're welcome. So did anything happen?" I asked her wiggling my eyebrows.

She giggled and looked down.

"So something did happen?!?" I asked her.

"Not really. He asked me what I meant when I was talking about my gorilla, and I told him the story. He promised me that he would try to find one." She told me.

She looked like she was on cloud nine. I didn't think it'd make her this happy, but apparently I was wrong.

"That's awesome! So you guys aren't a thing yet?" I asked her

"I wish, but no... For all I know, he could have a girlfriend." She said looking down sadly.

"Don't you think that if any of the boys had a girlfriend, you'd know about it?! He most likely doesn't have a girlfriend and you're being paranoid."

"Yeah, you're probably right... Thanks again!"

"You're welcome! Again."

We looped our arms in each other's and laughed all the way back to lunch.

"Everything okay guys?" Cal asked us.

"Yeah we're fine!" Maddie and I told him at the same time.

We sat down and had our lunch. After that, we got up and went to the ride that we had found earlier while Ash and Maddie were talking. ( again, you're welcome Mads! )

We were almost done at the park when Ash spotted a game with a giant stuffed blue gorilla hanging up.

"Hold on guys! I have to do something." He told us.

He grabbed ahold of Maddie's hand and ran towards the game. Harry and Louis both grabbed ahold of my hands and ran towards the machine, and Cal, Mikey, Niall, Luke, and Liam picked up Zoie and carried her above their heads towards the game. She did NOT like that at all. She wound up kicking Cal in the head...

The boys played the game for what felt like an hour, but it was only 30 minutes. I went home with a pink unicorn and a white, fluffy wolf. Zoie went home with a purple bear and a fox.

Ashton was the last one playing the game. He was very determined to win maddie that stuffed gorilla. When he thought they had lost the game and were walking away, the game runner called them back and told Ash that he had won one of the biggest animals and he could choose. He chose the biggest gorilla I'd ever seen. He handed it to Maddie, and she squealed and jumped into his arms which he was prepared for. He picked her up and spun her around multiple times, until someone interrupted their moment.

"GET A ROOM!!!" Mikey yelled at them.

We all laughed and walked out of the entrance and into the parking lot. I didn't realize it until now, but I was holding Harry's hand. Maddie was holding Ash's, and Zoie looked like she was going to kill me if we didn't leave. I looked up at Harry who was looking at our hands too. He looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back, and we went to go find the limo.

"Today was a pretty great day! Right guys?!?" I asked everyone.

I heard various forms of yes.

"Yeah, it was." Harry said looking down at me.

~ Author's Note ~
Hey guys! Sorry again I haven't updated. I've been busy. I know I said this before, but I'm going to try to update more. I hit 200 readers!! You guys have no idea how much that means to me! Thanks guys so much! You're the best! Tell me in the comments if you liked this chapter. Was it too long, too short, what? You're the best! Have a great day!
- The Author

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