Oh Brother...

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"What movie do you guys want to watch?" I asked everyone in the room. No one would shut up. "Guys!" I shouted.

Everyone's heads turned towards me, and they stopped talking.

"Now. What movie do you guys want to watch?"

Everyone started arguing about what movie to watch, and I gave up. I went into the kitchen to make snacks.

I popped three bags of popcorn, put them in cute little containers that say 'popcorn' on them, and drizzled chocolate on them. I put some chocolate chips in, and I mixed it all up. It looked delicious. I just hoped everyone would stop talking long enough to enjoy it.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked me as he walked in the room.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

He came over to me and pulled me into a hug. I rested my head against his chest.

"You just seem a little stressed." He told me.

"No, I'm not. I feel like something's off or someone's hiding something or... Something."

"From anyone else, that wouldn't make sense, but from you, I totally get it. Anyone in mind who's hiding something?"

"No, and that's the problem. It just feels weird. I don't know... Its probably nothing."

"Okay then. If you say so. Come on, let's go back in there." He said, grabbing the containers of popcorn.

"Okay, give me a minute."

"Okay. I'll be in here."

I grabbed my phone and checked to see if anyone had texted me, but no one had. I was worried for nothing. Right?

I got drinks for everyone, and I headed into the living room for movie night.

We wound up watching Daddy Daycare, because who doesn't love a good comedy? I sat on the couch and leaned against Harry. He wrapped his arm around me, and within 20 minutes, I was asleep.

I don't exactly remember falling asleep, but apparently we all had. Everyone was sleeping either on couches, chairs, or the floor. I had fallen asleep in Harry's arms on the couch.

Maddie was curled up in a ball leaning into Ashton who wound up doing the same with Maddie. They were both curled up and leaning on each others shoulders.

I looked beside the couch that I was sleeping on and saw that Brayden was asleep in a sitting position, and he had Zoie's head in his lap. She would kill me if she knew I had seen this. I decided to just not say anything.

I laid back in Harry's arms deciding to try and get a little more sleep, but I was interrupted by someone knocking at the door.

I slowly got up making sure not to disturb anyone or wake anyone up, and I opened the door.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"I'm looking for Lily Ross.." The boy at the door said.

He looked about my age, had blonde hair like mine, green eyes like me, freckles like me. Okay... This is officially freaking me out. Why does he look so much like me. Maybe I'm overreacting. I bet if Harry or someone else saw him, they would think we look totally different. Right?

"You're talking to her. Now what do you need this early in the morning." I asked getting agitated.

"Oh.. Well umm. I'll get to the point." He looked down, and was acting really nervous. "Hey sis."

"What?!? Okay who are you and what do you want? Is this some kind if joke, because I don't find it funny."

"I promise! This isn't a joke, or some way to get charity or anything like that. I promise. I'm being honest." He said. The look in his eyes told me that he wasn't lying.

"Get inside." I snapped.

This explains why everything has felt off lately...

"Lily? Is everything okay?" Harry asked me.

Great. I didn't mean to wake anyone up. I really hope no one else is awake because of me.

"Actually, I need to talk to you in the kitchen." I whispered to him.

We both walked into the kitchen where the boy was standing.

"Whoa. Lily, this guy looks like he could be your twin. That's so freaky!" He whispered to me.

"Okay dude, tell me what's really going on." I said crossing my arms and looking him in the eyes.

"Okay. Umm.. When we were just born, mom kept me for a few weeks, but she decided that she couldn't handle two kids at that moment, especially after having Karlee, even if dad was helping her, which he was. She put me up for adoption and I've lived in California for as long as I can remember. So yeah..."

"Wait a minute. You say when we were born, and when we were a few weeks old, what do you mean?"

"Yeah.. Umm... That's the funny part you see..." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "You're my twin sister."

"Okay this is crazy." I said walking off.

"Lily please! I'm telling you the truth. How else can I prove it to you?"

Karlee came walking downstairs.

"Jason? What are you doing here?" She said, then covered her mouth really fast.

"Wait a minute. You knew about this?!?" I yelled at her.

Now everyone was awake and walking into the kitchen.

"Umm... Yeah. Mom told me not too long ago, and you weren't supposed to find out."

"Is this why she wouldn't let me come to California to be with you?" I asked her.

"No its not I promise. She didn't know where he was, but I did. It was my mistake. You should never have come here." She covered her mouth with her hands. "Lily. Wait. I'm so sorry! That's not what I meant!" She yelled after me, but it was too late. I was already in my room with the door locked.

I turned around to see Mikey sitting on my bed.

"Wait. How did you get in here?"

"I knew that you would be coming in here and so I beat you to it. Now, do you need to talk?" He told me.

"Nope. I need to start packing."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm moving back to Texas."

Hey! So sorry about the cliffhanger, but I'm saving the rest for the next chapter. Guys please comment and vote! It would mean the world to me! Thanks guys ily! 😘
- The Author

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