Shopping Trip

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Oh my gosh!! I have miss her soooooooo much!! Words can't even begin to describe how much I miss her.


We both ran to each other. She dropped her bags, and I dropped my food, and we gave each other the biggest hug I think I've ever had!

"It feels like its been forever since I've seen you!" Maddie said.

"We have to go do the something! Today!"

"Hey guys... You do know I'm here right... Hey Maddie.." Zoie said.

"Umm... Sorry I didn't see you. Hi!"

"Yeah. Hey" Zoie said..

I have to admit, she was acting pretty strange...

"You guys should go shopping."

We all jumped out of our skin! We turned around and saw Niall standing there with a soda in his hand laughing his head off.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" He said while still laughing at us.

"Its fine..." We all said.
"Wait Niall? What's the catch? You hate shopping."

Well this got weird.

"Oh I was going to ask if you would get me some food..." He said rubbing the back if his neck.

"Fine." Maddie said.

"Thanks guys. Oh and if you need someone to take you or want so.done to go with you, I'm sure Harry won't mind." He winked and ran out of the room as fast as possible.

"What?!?" Maddie, Zoie, and I all screamed.

"Whoa! What's all the commotion in here?!"

It wasn't Niall this time. It was Louis.

"Niall just said something weird and just left! That's the commotion in here!" I told him.

"What'd he say?" Louis asked

"He said that if we needed someone to take us shopping or wanted to go with someone that Harry would be happy to. Now we want to know what he meant." I said as I put my hands I my hips.

At that, he spit out all of the soda in his mouth and ran away as fast as he could.

"What is with people today??!!" I yelled at him.

Zoie and Maddie were looking at me weird and probably wondering why I was talking to a celebrity like that...

"What happened?" Harry said as he walked in with a soda.

What is with the guys in One Direction today?

"Your friends are being stubborn. That's what happened." I told him

"What'd they do to you?" He asked.

"Well Louis and Niall are saying that if we needed someone to take us or want someone to go with us to the mall that you would be happy to. Please explain." I told him.

"U-u-umm... I don't know what they're talking about..." He said also running out of the room.

"Well that was weird," Maddie said.

"So about that shopping trip... Let's go." I said grabbing my keys.

~Entering the Mall~
We got out of the car and Zoie walked around the car and pointed at the mall.

"Whoa!" Maddie said.

"Yup. There's nothing like the stores in Hollywood."

We walked in the store and went straight to our favorite stores. I got noticed by several different people and they all wanted to know what my relationship with Alex was. I told them the truth: he was like a brother to me.

When we were done shopping, we put our bags in the car, went to go get food, and went home.

"Oh my gosh Lily! How much stuff did you guys buy?!?" My sister asked.

"Just the essentials." I told her with a smile on my face.

Maddie, Zoie, and I walked out of the kitchen and into my room. Only to find a certain someone in my room.

"Harry? What are you doing in here?!"

~Author's Note~
Hey guys! I promised this update would be longer didn't I? I hope you like it . Please vote on my story and share it with your friends. Thanks guys, you're the best!
-The Author

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