Think About It

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"Mom please!" I begged. "Please just stop!" 

"No, I told you that I was going to be back today, and here I am. Now, where are your bags?" 

The woman stepped into the house and started walking around as if she owned the place. It was eight in the morning, and my mother was already at the house trying to get me to leave. 

"I don't have them packed." I sighed.

I looked over at Harry who stood there with a helpless look on his face, obviously understanding that there wasn't much he could do. 

"Ma'am, if you would please hear me out-" Harry started, but he was cut off by my mom.

"I don't want to hear anything from you!" She shouted. "You're the main reason that she doesn't want to leave this place!" 

I mumbled something under my breath, slightly hoping my mom would hear it, nut the fear rising in me when I realized that she actually did. 

"What did you just say to me?"

It took all the courage in me to say it, but I did.

"I said," I started as I started to get closer to her. "Did you ever think that maybe you were the reason I don't want to leave!" I told her, shouting the last few words.

She looked taken aback, but she shook it off very quickly. She composed herself and walked towards the door. She pointed a finger towards it.

"Now." she demanded.

"No!" I yelled.

"I'm going to count to three-"

"Do you seriously think that's going to work on me?!? I'm not a little kid anymore, and you can't treat me like one! I'm going to be 18 in two weeks!"

"Well, if you want me to stop treating you like a child, stop acting like one!" She yelled at me. 

"Just get out!" I screamed, and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

She nodded her head and walked right out the door, but she looked at me before she closed it. 

"You win this time, but I promise that this isn't the end. You are 17! You have school! You will come back home, but I'll give you a little longer to say goodbye to your.." she paused as she looked Harry up and down very judgingly. "friends." she finished. 

I laughed. I didn't know what else to do. 

"You are going to give me longer to say goodbye to my friends out of the pure kindness and lovingness of you heart is that it?" I scoffed.

"I never said that." She said as she walked out the door, got in her car, and left, not bothering to look back at all.

I collapsed to the floor, and Harry was immediately at my side.

He pulled me into his arms and hugged me. Saying nothing, we sat there with my head nuzzled into his neck and his in mine while the tears ran down my face. He seemed to know that I had no intention of talking, and that was okay. I just needed him here with me right now. I needed to know that he was here for me. And here for me he was.

We had been sitting there on the floor for what felt like an hour, but in reality, it had only been ten minutes.

"Want to talk about it Love?" I heard Harry ask me.

"Not really..." I said, my eyes tired from crying and my hands shaky.

"Okay. Just know that I'm here if you want to." He told me.

"I know." I said, and that's all that was said for the time being.


The next day:

"So did your mom actually go home?" Maddie asked from across the room.

"I guess so... She hasn't called or come by again, so I guess she did. One thing I do know, is that she will do anything to prove herself right. This isn't it..." I said.

"Yeah... Let's go downstairs." Maddie said, obviously trying to change the topic.

We both left my room and ran downstairs to find the boys talking.

"Sit." Ash said to Maddie and I.


"Sit." Harry stated.

Maddie and I exchanged confused looks, but we did what we were told, sitting across the room from the boys, slightly scared for what was to come.

"We have a proposal." Niall said.

"You have to hear us out." Luke said.

"You may not like the idea-" Louis said.

"But you're gonna have to think about it." Mikey said.

"Just get on with it already!" Maddie shouted at them.

There was a small pause between the boys, and Harry and Ash looked really nervous. Maddie and I looked at each other, both oblivious to what was going on.

"Well..." Ash said.

"We kind of.." Harry started.

"We wanted to know..." Ash said.

"What they're trying to say, is that they will miss you a lot while they're on tour, and they have a plan, but you have to think about it." Calum finally said for the two.

Liam, Mikey, and Louis all sighed, obviously wondering how their band members could be so... Dumb.

"Yeah that!" Harry yelled.

"What he said!" Ash stated.

"Just get on with it already! We're not getting any younger here!" Niall shouted at them.

"Will you guys go on tour with us?" They both said simultaneously.

Guys! Omg I'm so sorry! I have so much stuff going on right now with school! I'm going to try harder to update more, but please don't be upset if I don't update more than once a week. Anyway, hopes yoos likes the chapter full of drama! Love yoo guys!! 💖😘 ~The Author

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