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I awoke to my phone ringing. I let it go to voicemail twice, but the person kept calling. I finally reached for it and turned it over. It was Cerise.

"Hello?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Lily?!? Something happened!"

I sat straight up, starting to shake a little bit.

"What happened?!?" I asked as I got out of bed, grabbed my car keys, put my shoes on and headed towards the door.

"Something happened with Maddie." She said. Could this woman be any more vague?

"Lily, are you okay?" Harry asked me as I headed towards the door.

I put my hand up to shush him, then realizing what I did mouthed 'sorry.'

I started to walk out the door and he grabbed my keys and drove to the airport for me.

"Okay Cerise. Thank you for letting me know. You already bought the tickets? Okay. We'll be there soon. Bye."

I started shaking and it started getting harder to breathe. I could feel the tears coming to my eyes. I fumbled through my purse and grabbed my anxiety medicine.

I took them and I could feel myself starting to calm down some.

"Is everything okay? And since when have you had anxiety? Why didn't you tell me?" Harry started freaking out too.

"Cerise said that something happened with Maddie's medication, and that we needed to get there fast. She already bought the plane tickets for us. I've had anxiety since I was thirteen. It hasn't really acted up in a while, so I thought it was irrelevant. Now can we just get to the airport?!?" I snapped.

We drove the rest of the way to the airport in silence.

When we finally arrived at the airport, I ran out of the car and towards the entrance. The flight that Cerise told me we were supposed to be on left in ten minutes.

We got to the gate we were supposed to be leaving from, and they told us that there were no flights to Texas today.

"Well check again! Tickets have been bought for the plane today! Now we will get on that plane whether or not you like it!" I snapped, my voice rising with every word.

Harry came over and grabbed my arms and pulled me into a hug to calm me down.

"There was probably just a mixup. We'll get on the plane soon. It'll be okay. I promise." He told me.

"Okay. I trust you. Thanks for coming with me by the way."

"No problem Lils."

We sat down in the chairs, and I have no idea how long we were there, but Harry and I both fell asleep.

"Lily. Lily wake up. Lily!"

"Harry! Leave me alone." I said.

"That wasn't me Lils." Harry said.

"What?!!" I sat straight up.

There were two people standing in front of Harry and I. Two very familiar faces.

"Maddie!!! Ash!!! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!!!! You guys are back!!!!" I ran over to Maddie and hugged her, and wasn't planning to ever let go.

"Lily!! I missed you so much!!!" She yelled at me.

We stood there hugging for what felt like forever, then it dawned on me.

"Wait. Why are you here. Cerise said something happened with your meds." I said to Maddie.

"Yeah something did happen with her meds." Ash told me. "They mad her better in less than a month. She remembers everything now Lily."

"So my mom let me come back early, and she sent you guys to the airport to come pick us up. She wanted it to be a surprise, so she tricked you." Maddie explained.

"I don't even care that it made me freak out,I'm just happy you're back!!" I hugged her again.

"Well, let's go home then!!" Harry said. "It's good to have you guys back."

"Its good to be back. As much as I liked hanging out with Maddie's brothers, I'm glad to be back." Ash said.

Maddie and Ash grabbed their stuff, and we walked out of the airport towards the car.

Ash sat up front with Harry who drove, and I sat in the back with Maddie while we talked about everything.

Afetr a car ride that lasted for what felt like hours, we finally got back to the house.

There was a sign in the yard that said 'Welcome home Ash and Maddie.' Everyone was standing outside waiting for us.

We pulled into the driveway and parked the car. When we all got out, all of the 5SOS boys came and ambushed Maddie and Ash. They have accepted Maddie as their sister, and, she had accepted them as her brothers. We were all one big family.

"Wait. How did you guys know that they were coming back?" I asked them.

"Umm.." Mikey said looking around avoiding eye contact with me.

"Its okay Mikey. You can tell them."

"Ash told us a few days ago. It was supposed to be a surprise, and there may or may not be a cake inside. So let's go!"

We all walked inside, and Maddie went upstairs and put her stuff in my room.

We all came back downstairs and ate the cake that Liam had made for us.

Hours passed by, and we talked. We talked about what everyone had missed, we talked about food, music, a little bit of everything. Before we knew it, it was late, and everyone was really tired.

Two arms wrapped around me and a head nuzzled into my neck.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight Lils."

"Goodnight Harry."

Harry went upstairs to his room. Maddie and I grabbed some Mt. Dew, and went up to my room.

"I can't believe you're back Maddie!"

"Believe it Lily. I'm home, and I'm with my family."

There you go Maddie fans! She's back. Happy Six Years to all of my fellow directioners!!! Can you believe its been six years since One Direction became a thing?!? I've been a directioner since the beginning, and there's nothing anyone can do to change that. I made a promise with the boys: that I wouldn't leave no matter what.

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