Cats and Dogs

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"We're stuck."

"We're what?!?" I yelled at him.

"I don't know for sure, but I think we're stuck... On a ferris wheel." He said slowly.

I started to feel the tears rush down my face. My face got really hot, and my arms went numb. I realized that I was on the verge of a complete breakdown.

The tears started coming down harder, and Ashton put his arm around me and put his chin on my forehead.

"Shhh... I promise its going to be okay. I'll protect you okay?"

"That's what you said before we got stuck!" I snapped. "I'm so sorry! I just can't function properly now. I'm so sorry."

"Its okay, I understand." He said, rubbing his thumb across my hand.

Minutes passed by, then hours, and finally, we both fell asleep. Suddenly, there was another jolt, and we started moving again.

"Ash what's going on?" I asked groggily having just woken up.

"I think that we're moving." He said, and I sat straight up, looking over the side to see if we were in fact moving. The entire cart was going down, which was normal, considering we had stopped at the very top.

On the way down, Ashton was staring at me, and it was getting a little weird.

"Yes?" I said looking over at him.

He leaned in, and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Well. What was that for?" I asked.

"Kind of as a thank you, a congratulations, and an 'I love you' all wrapped up in one." He said, counting the things on his fingers and giving me again when he was done.

I leaned into his chest, and before I knew it, we were off the ferris wheel for good.

I stepped down on the land, and I fell. After being on the ferris wheel for hours, I didn't exactly have my 'land legs'.

After, I fell I just kinda sat there and did nothing.

"How's the weather down there?" Ash asked me.

"Just fine if I do say so myself."

"Are you gonna get up?"

"Not if I don't have to."

He held his hand out to me.

"I guess I have to." I said, taking his hand.

"You don't have to, I just want you to."

"In that case!" I let go of his hand, and I plopped back down on the grass.

"Ugh" Ash said as he sat down beside me.

"The weather down here is pretty nice huh?" I asked him.

"Yeah, its fairly nice." Ash said, looking up at the sky. "Now are you ready for the next surprise?"

"Umm.. Sure I guess."

Ash stood up, held out his hand to me, and I took it. We started walking again, and we stopped by a pet store to look at all the animals.

"I've always wanted a cat..." I told him as we pet the cats in the pet store.

"Why haven't you had one?" He asked me.

"Mom's allergic, and I didn't really want to get one of those hypoallergenic cats, because some of those look like demons." I said with a laugh.

"Yeah.. I've wondered what it would be like to have a bunch of animals. You know, Cal has been wanting to get a puppy for ages now."

"My mom got us a dog for my birthday. I got to raise it from its puppy years. It was so cute. It was a little yorkie. It was the cutest thing."

"Hmm..." Ash said as we walked out the door.

We just wandered around town for a little bit, and finally we had a destination to get to. I wasn't allowed to know what it was though.

"You know, I've been thinking." I said to Ash.

"Well that's terrifying." He replied while laughing. "But seriously, what have you been thinking about?"

"Do you think Lily and the guys are mad at us for just taking off? I mean, her boyfriend is in England, I'm off in Australia, who knows how she's feeling..."

"I wouldn't worry too much about it. I mean, she has Mikey, Zoie, Sami, her brother, her sister, she has people there for her. I think she'll be fine for a week or two while we're away."

"Yeah... Wait. How long are we staying?"

"As long ad you want to, but I was thinking about a week or two."

"Awesome! Thank you so much for doing this Ash. It means the world to me!"

"Well, you are my world." He said, looking straight into my eyes and kissing me.

"I love you so much Ash."

"I love you more Mads."

He intertwined his fingers with mine, and we kept walking for a little bit.

We walked up to a house, and I gave Ashton a really weird look telling him that I was confused. The house seemed so familiar, but I had no idea where I had seen it from.

"We're here!" Ashton said.

"Where is here?"

"You'll see."

He knocked on the door, and we stood there for a few minutes until the door swung open.

"Hey Ashton!" The woman at the door said.

My jaw dropped as I realized where we were and who the woman was.

"Hey mum."

Hope you guys liked it! Sorry for not updating, I've been a bit busy and the internet has been being stupid. Love you guys! -The Author

PS. I have no idea what I'm doing with these titles anymore 😂

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