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I could finally feel myself waking up, however I didn't open my eyes. I heard talking around me, and the voices sounded really familiar especially one in particular.

"Will you guys shut up?!? You're going to wake her up. She needs to rest."

That was the familiar voice. A voice of one of my friends. Who was she talking to?

I opened my eyes and saw five people in my room.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!! Karlee!! She's awake!!!"

Yep there was no mistaking it. That was Zoie. I love Zoie to death. She can be really hyper sometimes, but so can I, so I don't really have any room to talk.

I sat up in my bed to look around at the other people.

Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Niall Horan.

I had to be hallucinating, so I turned over to Zoie.

"What the heck are you doing here Z??"

"Well, I was at the premiere because me and Karlee wanted to surprise you... But then you passed out and I just came with Karlee to her house anyway. May I add, this house is awesome!!!!"

"Okay then..." I said.

"Hey love, you okay now??"

"Z? Why are the voices in my head talking to me??"

"Lily, what are you talking about? That wasn't a voice in your head. That was Louis."

"Ok that's funny but seriously. Stop messing with me and check for a fever."

"Love, we are really here."

I slowly turned to see the five people that I thought were just hallucinations.

"Wait. So One Direction is in my room?" I asked slowly.

"Yup!" All five of the people in my room said simultaneously.

And that, was when I went all out fangirl.

"Oh my gosh!!! You're really here! Wait, why are you here?!? Where'd you come from?? Why are you in my room?? Does my sister know you're here?? Oh my gosh!! You're One Direction!!" I was cut off.

"Hey! Love! Slow down." That was Liam.

I took in a deep breath and laid back down in bed.

"Seriously though... Why are you guys here?"

Harry was the one to speak this time.

"Yesterday at the premiere you passed out after you fell and hit your head. We saw Alex, Karlee, and your little friend here so worried, so we tagged along after your sister said you were a big fan and she wanted you to meet us."

"Hey! I'm not that little," Zoie said

Zoie absolutely hated when people called her small. She once got kicked out of school because a girl called her small and pushed her out of the way. That girl went home with a broken nose, arm, and rib. No one can say my Beastie is small. Yes I meant to say Beastie.

"Well, umm thank you, but I know you want to leave, and I'm fine now so..." I said to all four of the guys.

"Why would we want to leave?"

That was Niall... I love his accent..

"Well why would you want to stay," I countered.

""Were staying whether or not you like it love."

That was Harry.

"Fine... Whatever. But don't be surprised when I go all fangirl because you're my favorite band."

"Huh?" They all said simultaneously.

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