The Premiere Part 3

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~After the Premiere~
The premiere was great, and as I said, it was proven even more that Alex is a great actor.

The movie was absolutely great. It was an action movie, and he was absolutely great in it.

We were walking out when I turned around and somehow became the last one in line.

I opened the door and I was unprepared for what came next.

The cameras started flashing like crazy and I was mobbed with reporters asking me who I was and what my relationship was with Alex.

I didn't mean to but I kinda, sorta, fell...

When I fell, one of the straps on my shoe broke and the reporters that were crowding me were stepping on my dress. I had hit my head on the concrete really hard.

I heard a voice telling the reporters to get away. I could've sworn that I knew the voice. It seemed so familiar.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I thought it was Alex.

I wasn't looking up because I was WAY too embarrassed about falling, on the red carpet, on national television, ugh...

"Are you okay love?"

That voice DEFINITELY didn't belong to Alex.

I looked up into a pair of green eyes.

"Hello? I asked you something love."

"Oh... Huh?" Spoken like a true idiot. I can't believe I said that...

The voice laughed.

"I asked if you were okay," the mysterious voice said.

"Oh yeah... I'm fine," I said not bothering to look up again.

The hand on my shoulder moved down to my arm to help me up.

For some reason, the reporters were going crazy. I couldn't imagine why...

I finally decided to look up, and yet again, I was not prepared for what I saw.

The voice, the eyes, the hand, everything belonged to person I least expected it to be. Harry Edward Styles. Yes, that's right. I was looking into the eyes of Harry Styles.

I knew I had to be hallucinating, because right as I realized who the person was, the room started spinning and then it went black.

~Author's Note~
Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter, and I think the next one's going to be great! Thank you guys for reading. It would be really appreciated if you voted on my story and told me what you thought so far in the comments. Thanks guys, you're the best!

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