Shared Secrets

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I woke up, and realized that I had slept good for the first time since I have been here. I was in a really good mood.

I got out of bed and went to take a short shower and get dressed. I decided to go with a black crop top that said I'm Weird on it with the words upside down. I put a black spaghetti tank under it. I wore a pair of white shorts and black converse. I wore my hair in a fishtail braid down my side.

I skipped downstairs to see Harry, Niall, and Louis on the couch talking. I skipped across the room, and sat down in between Harry and Niall.

"Watcha doing?" I said happily.

Maddie and Zoie weren't up yet, so I had no one else to talk to besides the guys.

"Talking about our tour coming up." Louis told me.

I looked down and pouted.

"I forgot about that... Do you guys have to go? I'm gonna miss my carrot and my cupcake." I gasped. I just had an awesome thought. "Aww... Carrot cake!"

I laughed at my own ship name, and the guys both laughed too.

"That's clever!" Harry told me through his laughs.

I was happy to make them laugh. They have been really stressed out about their upcoming tour. They didn't want to leave just yet, and I didn't want them to leave. They had become my brothers. I never thought I'd be able to say that...

"We should have a party before y'all leave!"

"Party? Yay! What kind of party??" Louis said.

"I'm thinking a pool party! We've been here for two months and I haven't been in the pool once! So yeah! We should have a pool party!"

"That actually sounds like fun!" Harry said.

"Cool! So we'll plan it out later. I heard Maddie leave with Ash, but Zoie didn't leave, so I'm going to go say hi. Talk to you guys about the party later! Bye!"

Wow I made that soooooooo awkward... I was already up the stairs, but I heard a "bye" come from the living room.

I knocked on Zoie's door and didn't wait for an answer. I just walked in. When I walked in, I saw Zoie crying... Zoie never cries. Something was definitely wrong. Well duh, she was crying. I can be a true blonde sometimes. Oh wait. I am blonde. I'm going to stop rambling now...

"Z? What's wrong?? You never cry." I asked her.

I grabbed a box if tissues of the bookshelf and walked over to her and sat on her bed.

"I'm so stupid Lily!" She practically shouted at me.

She put her face in her hands and cried. I pulled her closer to me and let her cry on my shoulder.

"You're not stupid Zoie. Tell me what happened." I told her.

She finally looked up at me, and I handed her a tissue.

"I did it again. I promised myself I never would after what happened last time. I like someone." She finally got out.

She put her hands over her mouth as if she just told me her deepest, darkest secret. Although, now that I think about it, she did. I know everything about her, and from the look on her face, she's been holding this in for a long time.

"Hey! Listen to me! Its okay. Its human nature. Now if you want to, will you please tell me who?" I said.

She looked like I just asked her to kill me.

"Well. Umm. It may or may not be. Umm. Your sister's bodyguard Brayden." She covered her mouth again.

"Aawwwww! You guys would be so cute together!!! That's great. Wait. You're sad. I'm sorry." I told her.

"Its okay... I really wish I didn't like him though. I've gotten to know him over these past two months, and he's really cool. He has the best sense of humor, he likes some of the same things I do, he's cute, he can make me laugh even when I'm upset, he's really sweet, and did I mention he's cute..." She told me.

She had her arms wrapped around her knees, and she was blushing and looking down at her knees.

"Aawwwww! That's soooo cute!! I'm so happy for you! Has he asked you out yet?" I asked her

"No... I wish he would though. I may ask him out. Who says it always has to be the guy to make the first move? That's stupid."

"I agree. I also have something to tell you. Well two things. One. We're having a pool party soon and we have to plan it. Two. I like someone too!" I told her.

This time it was my turn to cover my mouth.

"Really?!? Who??"

"I like more than one person and I feel so bad about it! I like Harry, Luke, and Mikey. I know, its stupid for me to like more than one person. Especially people who are like family..."

"Oh my gosh! You with any if those three would make a cute couple! Harry totally likes you! You can see it in his eyes."

It was my turn to blush and look down at my knees.

"Thanks I guess, and no he doesn't. How could someone as famous as him like someone like me?"

"I don't know, but he does!"

"Whatever! Let's go get food." I told her through my laughs.

"Okay, I've been craving ice cream soooooooo much! You would not believe!"

"I have too! Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, or all three?" I asked her

"Definitely all three!"

We went downstairs and ate our ice cream. We finally decided that we should have a movie night! Maddie and Ash finally got back, and she was smiling a lot. I was totally going to ask her about that later. The 1D boys and the 5SOS boys came and joined us. We finally agreed on the Conjuring. I absolutely loved scary movies. Even if I did get scared really easy.

I didn't know where I was going to sit, but I finally sat down on one of the couches.

"Can I sit by you?"

I looked up and saw that it was Harry.

"Sure!" I told him.

He sat down beside me, and the movie came on. It got to one of the scary parts and I jumped and dug my face into Harry's chest. I didn't mean for it to happen, it just kinda did. He then did something really unexpected. He put his arm around me. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. We both smiled, and then I leaned into his arm and looked around the room.

Maddie was snuggled up with Ash and Zoie was beside Brayden smiling. She looked so happy. He had his arm around her, and I knew he had feelings for her too.

I was so happy for my best friends! I'm happy that they were finally happy, and I was running Zoie's words through my head. Did Harry like me? Was I stupid enough not to see it? I don't know. All I know is that I'm very happy with living in the moment, and the moment was definitely in my favor. That's what the arm around my shoulders told me. I realized that I'm finally happy. I don't remember the last time I was truly happy. It felt good!

~ A/N ~
Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter. It took a long time to think of this chapter. Thank you guys for reading! I'm sorry to ask again, but is this chapter too long, short, or just right?? Please tell me in the comments! Thanks again guys. You're the best!
- The Author

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