Chapter 1

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Aubrey's POV

I heard the front door open and I got up, greeting Samantha as soon as she walked in, well not exactly greeting her.

"Get ready." I ordered before she'd even put her purse down.

"What?" She asked, frowning at me.

"Get ready." I said a little slower, being a smart ass.

"What for?" She muttered, throwing her purse on the couch.

"We're going out." I said smiling.

She groaned, throwing herself onto the couch. "I don't want to go out Aubrey." She groaned. "I want to sit my ass on this couch for the whole weekend."

"Please." I whined sitting next to her. "It's my weekend off and I want to go out, do something, we can sit our asses on the couch tomorrow."

She rolled her eye's at me. "Why do you want to go out?" She asked.

"Because I do." I mumbled, avoiding her eye's.

"Well isn't Hunter coming over tonight?" She asked, squinting her eye's at me.

"No he is not." I snapped at her, as far as I was concerned Hunter could kiss my ass.

"Uh oh." She said smiling. "Did you two break up again?"

"He's an asshat." I snapped. "I'm sick of him."

"Oh like I haven't heard that before." She laughed. "You hate him blah blah blah and you'll be back together by Sunday."

I shook my head. "No we won't." I told her. "I mean it, this time I'm done with him."

"Aubrey stop lying."

"I'm not." I snapped. "That's why I want to go out, I want to go out, pick up some hot guy and fuck his brains out."

"What?" She asked, looking at me with wide eye's.

"It's really over this time." I said. "And I want to go out, have a one night stand, just to get him out of my system."

"Aubrey." She started but I cut her off.

"I'm sick of him Sammie, I'm 31 years old and I'm sitting here waiting for him to commit, he's obviously not going to so I'm moving on."

"But a one night stand?" She asked me, raising her eyebrows.

"Well why not." I mumbled, looking at my hands. "I could use a good hard fucking."

"Couldn't we all." She laughed.

"Well, let's go out then." I said standing up.

"Fine." She groaned getting to her feet. "Let's go out and find you someone to fuck." And she laughed, walking off to her bedroom.

I scowled watching her retreat. I know she didn't believe me, but this time Hunter and I were done. We'd been together for five years, five fucking years and still I was only his girlfriend. There was no commitment, we didn't live together, he'd never spoken of marriage and I wasn't getting any younger. It was time for me to move on. I'd given him a million chances, we always got back together, but now I figured if I slept with someone else we couldn't get back together. Tonight was kind of like my insurance policy, once he found out I slept with someone else I knew we'd be done forever and he couldn't sweet talk me into taking him back.

I walked into my room, opening my closet and staring into it. I needed to find something nice to wear, something sexy, something that would make some poor unsuspecting guy want to sleep me, but I wasn't sure what.

I pulled out one of my black dresses. It was nice, revealing, but not too revealing, I didn't want to look like a slut. Yeah, this one would do nicely. I picked out the perfect heels to wear with it and then I headed into the shower.

I washed my hair, got out and spent some time making myself look half decent. I straightened my hair, applied my make up and then went into my room, getting dressed.

"Not bad." I said looking at myself in the mirror. I was no great beauty, but I looked okay and hopefully some guy would agree tonight and take me home.

I rolled my eye's at my reflection. I sounded like a slut, but I wasn't, I'd never done anything like this before, but now, it was just something I needed. Mindless sex with a stranger.

"Are you ready?" I called out to Samantha as I walked past her room.

"Almost." She called back so I headed into the kitchen.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine. I might as well have a glass of dutch courage while I waited for her, so I poured myself a glass and stood there drinking it.

"How do I look?" Samantha asked, appearing in the doorway.

I inwardly groaned, she was just too fucking cute and in all honestly, while I was with her no man was even going to give me a second look.

"Perfect of course." I told her smiling. She was my best friend and it wasn't her fault she was flawless.

She smiled, grabbing her phone and calling a taxi. "You look absolutely stunning." She told me, grabbing a wine.

I smiled at her, I looked okay.

"Well." I said draining my glass as I heard the taxi pull up and honk it's horn. "Let's do this." And I grabbed my purse.

"Let's find you a man." Samantha laughed, following me.

As I walked down to the taxi my phone started ringing. I pulled it out, looking at the number and hitting ignore.

"Hunter?" Samantha asked as we climbed into the taxi.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"His loss." She said squeezing my hand. "He had something awesome and blew it."

I smiled looking out the window. She was right, he did have something awesome, but not anymore. After tonight we would definitely be over.




Hi guys, just letting you know that I am co-writing this with ElizabethDanielle8

I'll be writing the parts of Aubrey and Zack and she'll be writing the parts of Samantha and Matt.

We hope you enjoy it Xxxx

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