Chapter 10

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I was a little disappointed when last call was announced.

I was having a fantastic time.

I knew Aubrey was having a good night dancing with Matt and I was certainly enjoying Zack's company.

It was nice talking to a man who didn't expect me to sleep with him.

As the bar began to clear out Matt and Aubrey joined us again at the table chugging down the remainder of their beers.

"Damn I don't really want to go home." Matt muttered looking dejected as he sat down his empty beer bottle.

"Come over to our house! We can put on one of your records." Aubrey offered smiling.

"God yes! What a great idea" I readily agreed.

And it truly was. The guys were excellent company and I wasn't ready for it to end just yet.

"Are you in Baker?" Matt asked Zack getting to his feet.

For a second I was nervous. What if Zack didn't find me as good is company as I did him? What if he doesn't want to go?

Suddenly he stood up. "I am in."

I know he's married and his wife is probably some super perfect super model but there's absolutely no harm in looking and becoming friends.

"Good." I muttered sounding a little too excited and like a complete and utter dork as we made our way to the exit.

"How are we getting there?" Matt asked.

Truth is that was an excellent question. Aubrey and I took a taxi but I'm sure being successful musicians they had drove themselves in a nice car.

However we had all been drinking excess amounts of alcohol tonight and I really wasn't up to dying in a dui car crash tonight.

"Taxi." Aubrey answered like the logical guru she certainly was.

"You don't mind?" Zack softly asked me as we stood on the sidewalk.

"Nah,not at all." I smiled. It was the truth I didn't mind. Not in the slightest.

It could be a really fun way to end the night and I honestly was really looking forward to hearing some of their music.

The taxi pulled up and I followed Aubrey into the back sliding to the middle. I probably should've taken the front seat allowing Matt to take the seat next to Aubrey but before I had the time to scoot back out Zack had climbed in behind me leaving Matt to take the front.

Almost immediately Matt began chatting away. Telling us about their band. The type of music they played and the other members of the band.

It was all interesting but I had the feeling he we only talking so much to have an excuse to turn around and look at Aubrey.

It was honestly  one of the cutest attempts at flirting I had ever witnessed. It was very obvious Matt was smitten with Aubrey. According to Zack Matt had the unfortunate luck of being married to a materialistic total plastic bitch.

We finally began to slow and ultimately stop in front of our house.

"Huh my house is like five blocks from here." Matt commented looking around as we walked up the drive.

"Good you can walk home." Aubrey joked opening the front door letting us all inside.

"Can I get you drink?" I ask everyone.

"Yeah a beer would be nice" Zack answered.

Before I went to retrieve it I waited to see of anyone else answered but it seemed Matt and Aubrey were too busy smiling at each other.

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