Chapter 21

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Aubrey's POV

I watched Zack and Samantha on the dance floor, they certainly looked like they were having fun and I was glad, Sam needed to let lose, and tonight she certainly was.

"Another drink?" Matt asked, standing up.

"Just a beer." I told him, watching him nod and walk away.

I wasn't sure what to make of him, I mean he seemed genuine, but what did I know. He kept saying he thought it was over between him and his wife, but maybe he was just saying that to get in my pants, I mean I hadn't exactly played hard to get, so he probably thought I was a sure thing. Well not tonight, tonight he wasn't getting a damn thing out of me. Both times we'd slept together I'd felt dirty afterwards and I wasn't putting myself through that again.

"Here you go." Matt said, sitting down and placing a beer in front of me.

I smiled and took a drink, thinking of something to say to him. I mean I wanted to get to know him, but he was married with kids, what sort of questions should I ask?

"Um, so." I mumbled, looking at him. "Tell me about your children."

I watched as his whole face lit up. "They're great honestly, you'd love them, they're the best thing that ever happened to me."

Well he obviously adored his children, which was endearing and some what attractive. Damn him, I was trying to find something to hate about him.

"Hey guy's." Samantha chirped, walking over and picking up my beer and drinking it all down. "You should come dance."

Matt looked at me, raising his eyebrow's.

"No thanks." I said to both of them, I certainly didn't need him pressing his body against mine.

"Suit yourself." She grinned, making her way back to Zack.

"Well I enjoyed that beer." I mumbled, looking at my empty glass.

"I'll get you another." Matt offered but I shook my head.

"It's okay." I said. "The place is closing soon and I've had enough."

He looked at me, taking a mouthful of his beer. "So are we going back to your place after?"

I frowned at him. Of course he wanted to go back to my place.

I opened my mouth to object when Sam and Zack approached, all over each other.

"Let's go back to our place." Samantha said as I watched Zack squeeze her ass.

"Great idea." Matt said, standing up and finishing his beer in one gulp. "Ready?" He asked me.

I nodded and grabbed my purse, standing up. "I might as well drive home." I told them all. "I only had two beers."

Everyone agreed and we made our way out to the car, getting in. I tried to keep my eye's on the road, but Matt was talking non stop and Samantha kept giggling in the back.

We finally made it home in one piece and I unlocked the door, letting everyone in.

"Drink?" I asked them and Matt smiled, nodding and Sam completely ignored me, taking Zack's hand and disappearing up the hall to her bedroom.

Matt went into the living room and I went and grabbed him a beer, making myself a coffee, I didn't feel like anymore beer.

I went into the living room, handing him his beer and getting comfortable on the couch.

"Tell me all about yourself Aubrey." Matt said, looking at me and smiling.

I shrugged. "Honestly there isn't much to tell, normal parents, a brother and sister, school was boring." Really, my life was terribly boring, compared to his, my life was a drag.

He frowned at me. "Okay." He mumbled. "Um, so do you want to hear my band?"

Damn straight I wanted to hear them, I wanted to listen to him sing, I imagined he had a beautiful voice, but I was trying to play cool, trying to convince him and myself that I didn't like him that much.

I shrugged. "If you want you can put it on."

"Um, okay." He mumbled and I watched as he hooked his phone up to the stereo.

I sat there as the music began and fuck, I knew it, his voice was fucking perfect and right then I wanted to cry. Why did he have to be married?

"What do you think?" He asked, looking at me.

"Oh it's great." I said softly. "You really are talented."

He smiled and sat back into the couch, taking a drink. "I'm glad you like it."

I nodded, I did like it, a lot. I laid back and closed my eye's, listening and enjoying it and I laid there for at least ten minutes, just listening to him.

I yawned, and opened my eye's. Matt was just sitting there watching me.

"Tired?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah actually I am." I said softly. "I might head to bed."

"Do you mind if I stay over?" He asked quickly, looking at me.

I shrugged. "Sure, you're more than welcome too." I told him standing up.

I went into the bathroom, getting into my pyjama's and cleaning my teeth and when I came back out, the lights were off. I guessed Matt decided to go straight to sleep. I felt bad about him sleeping on the couch, but yeah well, I needed to get him out of my system because he was married.

I walked into my room and stopped. Matt was in my room, shirt and jeans removed, laying in my bed in just his boxer shorts. Just great.

"Comfortable?" I asked him, scowling. He honestly must think I'm a whore and that he was going to get a bit.

"I'll be more comfortable once you're in here." He said smiling at me.

I wanted to tell him to get out, to sleep on the couch but I couldn't, I couldn't do it because I actually really liked the guy.

Typical, I thought to myself, I would fall for a married man. I was such a dumbass.

I flicked off the light, cursing myself for being weak and I climbed into the bed, attempting to get as far away from him as possible. I closed my eye's, wondering how the hell I would sleep. For starter's, there were some strange noises coming from Samantha's room and the worlds sexiest man was in bed next to me.

"So." Matt murmured and I realised he'd moved a little closer. "Can I get your number in the morning?"

"What for?" I asked him, trying to ignore his breath that I could feel on the back of my neck.

"To call you Aubrey." He murmured, slipping his arm across my waist.

Here we go, I thought, the real reason he wanted to sleep in my bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked, grabbing his arm and removing it from my waist.

"Cuddling you." He said, putting it straight back around me.

"Look, I told you Matt." I whispered. "I'm not sleeping with you."

"And I told you Aubrey." He said, moving closer. "That's fine."

I relaxed a little then. Maybe I did have the wrong idea about him? Maybe, but he was still a married man.

"Aubrey?" He whispered.


"Can you turn over so I can at least kiss you goodnight?"

I closed my eye's. Did I really want to do this? But before I could even answer my own question I turned over, facing him.

"That's better." He whispered and his lips found mine in the dark.

I closed my eye's. Why did he have to have this affect on me?

"Now." He murmured, wrapping his arm's around me. "Let's sleep."

I closed my eye's as he pulled me to his chest, kissing my forehead. I was trying, I was really trying to stop this affair in it's tracks. But damn, he was just making it so hard.

Why were all the good guy's always taken?

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