Chapter 4

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Matt's POV

Here we go once again.

Val had started her never ending bitching and complaining again.

I had gotten into the habit of tuning her out.

"Matt are you listening to me?" She demanded for the millionth time today.

I wanted to scream fuck no, like I gave a shit about what stupid premier was happening this weekend, or her new favorite obsession what new silicone she found that she wanted to do to her body.

"No I'm sorry Val I sort of blanked out there for a second what were you saying?" I asked trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

She rolled her brown eyes at me.

At one time I thought they were soft and beautiful but right now it just reminded me of how hard and full of never ending nagging bull shit she had become.

"There's a new bar opening tonight. I need a break from the boys so I figured that Michelle, Teresa and myself could go and check it out since you don't mind being trapped in the house with the boys." Her nasally and lately infuriating voice chirped.

A new bar opening?

Of course I hadn't heard about it I barely leave the house anymore.

But suddenly inspiration hits me.

"Actually I do mind. I've got plans tonight since you went out all night last night." I figured I could take tonight, rising off of the couch to go to my office to invite someone out.

I love my wife. I have since we were kids but as of late she's been making loving her increasingly more difficult.

Somewhere along the road Val had become extremely materialistic. She had this gimme gimme gimme attitude and nothing ever seemed to be enough.

Let's not mention she barely resembled the loveable girl she once was. After all the work she has had done Val is hardly recognizable.

"What do you mean you have plans?" She demanded following me to my office.

I sighed.

Before I even had a chance to explain my recent stroke of genius she began her daily nagging session of straight bitching.

"In case you've forgotten Matthew I didn't want a child let alone two. You knew this." Val huffs

Great here we go again. The same old blaming me for why we had kids.

"Val I know okay. And trust me I love you more everyday for giving me two beautiful little boys. It was truly a great gift but........"

"But nothing." She snaps cutting me off  "I don't complain when you're in the studio working late and I'm stuck with the boys. But the very least you can do is let me have time to unwind with my girls." She snaps.

"Val you're absolutely right. You do deserve your time to yourself. It's very understandable. However this is work and band related. I got the call for it yesterday while you were out and I wanted to do it last night and I had to postpone it til tonight. I'm sorry I meant to mention it sooner but honestly I forgot I'm sorry about tonight but how about so I can make for this, tomorrow you get the girls go do an all day shopping and spa day trip and I'll keep the boys." I offer.

I watch her face soften at the mention of work and down right turn almost schoolgirl at the sound of shopping with no kids.

I feel somewhat guilty for lying to her. In all of our time together I've never needed lie to her and here I am with kids, lies easily rolling off of my tongue

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