Chapter 28

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Matt's POV

As I walked in the house I kept thinking this day honestly can not get any worse.

The fight with Aubrey--Oh god that fight.

I have had many fights with people before but none, absolutely none before, had ever left me feeling that empty and hollow.

I felt sick from it, and that feeling only got worse as I walked into my home.

I could feel the tension in the house. You could cut it with a knife.

I wanted to run for the hills. Run upstairs and pack a bag.

But that was sort of  cowardly and I needed to face the music.

The minute I saw her I knew it - She- was a ticking time bomb hiding under a calm mask. I knew an impending fight was coming. It would be an epic knock down drag out I was sure of it. It was just a matter of when.

I couldn't hardly look at Val. It wasn't that I was ashamed for what I had done. I wasn't. Not to her anyways. I was ashamed more that Aubrey was right. I was scared of this woman and the damage she could honestly inflict on my life.

"Its not over." Val stated calmly, walking into our kitchen past me.

Like the apparent terrified man I was I followed her. I guessed now was as good as time as ever to get this fight that was certainly going to happen started.

"What's not Val?" I sighed as I sat down into a chair pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Us." She snapped plopping down opposite of me.

"What us?" I question attempting to keep the anger out of my voice. "There hasn't been an us in a very long time. Years, and you know it."

How could there be? Where the hell had she been? What fantasy was she living? The us I remembered laughed and loved. Similar to how Aubrey and I did before today. The us I remembered went out together- not separately.

"Imagine that." Val mocked raising her lip to sneer at me but still remained surprisingly calm. "How could there be an us when you've been fucking a random whore behind my back."

My blood boils. Its happened three times and very recently. God only knows how many guys she has been with in the months her and I haven't so much as hugged. Does she forget I know her? Ive known her for years and I know for a fact the woman has almost always had a high sex drive. So I know if she isn't getting it from me there's someone else. Not to mention all of the no panties walk of shames, scratch marks, hushed phone calls, and hickies.

Who is she to sit here and act all high and mighty? Much less call a good woman a random whore. Aubrey is anything but random and the furthest thing from a whore.

"Like you aren't?" I bark noticing the fresh scratch marks on her shoulder.

"Did you just call me a whore?" Val asks venom dripping from her words.

"If the panties are missing." I hiss.

"Right its all me. I'm fucking someone else." She yells her face flushing.

"Well you damn sure aren't me so I would bet my life the answer is yes you fucking are." I yell.

Before I can even blink Val stands reaches across the table and back hands me harder than I would've ever expected possible.

"Are you fucking serious?" I thunder, anger coursing through me.

"You listen and you better listen to every fucking word I have to say because I will only will say it this one last time," She whispers in my face "Til death do us part. Remember that? Look around Matthew, you've got a hell of a lot to lose and as I look around I see there's a lot for me to fucking gain. And I will gain it and much more you'd be wise to remember that." She threatens and pushes me again.

I Am Your Wrath I Am Your Guilt I am Your LustWhere stories live. Discover now