Chapter 22

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Samantha's POV

The bar was closing and after some heavy-duty drinking and a lot of hot erotic dancing I was ready to go home. With Zack.

"I don't want to go home yet" Zack whispers against my neck his hands gripping my waist.

"Then don't" I giggle dragging him to our table.

I know he's married somewhere in my mind but the feel of his hands against my skin and the lustful look in his eyes was completely clouding my judgement. I knew he wasn't going home. I knew I was going on home alone. He was coming with me and when we got to my place it was game on.

We walked back to the table interrupting Matt and Aubrey's conversation so I announced "let's go back to our place."

Aubrey shot me a look and got an eyeful when Zack reached kvetch grabbing my ass.

"Great idea" Matt smiled draining the remaining amount of beer in his glass raising to his feet.

"Ready?" He asked Aubrey.

"I might as well drive home." Aubrey offered standing up and fetching her purse. "I only had two beers."

Zack threw her his keys and we all walked to his car climbing in.

The minute we started home Matt of course started talking nonstop. I couldn't make out a single word he muttered. Zack was demanding my attention with his kisses all over my body.

"Wait til I fervour to your room." Zack whispers.

"Why?" I giggle like  a little girl.

"Because you see right here?" HR asks me grabbing the inside of my upper thigh massaging tiny circles on the soft skin. "I'm going to kiss this area right here. Slowly making my way up." As he spoke he traced his hand up my dress rubbing me through my already damp panties.

I giggle again unable to contain myself.

"You won't be giggling when I get in your room." Zack warns.

"She could drive a little faster." I giggle when He leans over kissing me.

Finally after what seems like an unbearable amount of time we pull into our driveway.

Aubrey takes her time unlocking the door and allowing us inside. "Drinks?" She asks us but Zack and I completely ignore her going straight for my room.

I stumble around my pitch black room kicking off my heels and looking for the light switch.

"What are you doing Samantha?" Zack asks me grabbing my waist and pressing his body against me. "I can't kiss those thighs from this position baby."

Shivers run through my entire body goose bumps erupting on my skin. "I guess not" I whisper barely finding my voice.

"Go to your bed now" He instructs smacking my ass.

"Yes sir" I breathe.

Zack grabs my hands leading to my bed but stopping short of throwing me on it.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He whispers to me slowly unzipping my dress letting it fall to the floor.

Am I sure? I'm practically soaking wet at this exact moment. I was sure before I even left home tonight

"Yes. Yes I am definitely sure." I nod trying to turn around and bloom him in the eyes but Zack spins me to the spot bending my over my bed. 

"So where to begin?" Zack asks me stroking me between my legs.

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