Chapter 3

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Zack's POV

I sat in my home office, doodling on a note pad. Ryder was asleep, so I didn't want to go out there, I just couldn't cope with her whiny voice right now. Yes we were both tired, but god the way she carried on you'd think it was the end of the world and she was the only one in it.

I looked at my doodle. I needed a new shirt design but this was crap, so I tore the sheet off the pad and threw it in the rubbish bin next to my desk.

My phone suddenly started ringing and I snatched it up immediately, happy for the distraction.

"Hello?" I answered, frowning because I sounded so rude.

"Rude." Matt snapped.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "I'm just tired."

"Aren't we all." He snapped.

"Yeah I guess." I said. "So what's up?" I asked him, wondering why the hell he's called at 6pm on a Friday night.

"What are you doing?" He asked, sounding calmer.

"Hiding." And that was the truth.

"Fair enough." He said. "Feel like going for a drink or ten?"

Did I? "You bet your ass I do." I said quickly. I really could do with a drink right now.

"Excellent." Matt said. "I'll pick you up in half an hour."

"I'll be waiting." I told him, hanging up.

I really could do with a drink and a night out. A night away from here, maybe then I would feel a little better, a little more calmer.

I took a deep breath standing up. I needed to tell Meaghan I was going out and I knew it wasn't going to go down well.

I opened the door, sticking my head out. I could hear the television in the living room so I guessed she was in there. Instead of going and telling her I decided to get ready first, so I headed straight to the shower.

Once I was done I stepped out of the bathroom and Meaghan was sitting on the bed, looking at me.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

I rolled my eye's. Her whiny voice was grating on my last nerve. "For a drink with Matt."

"Well isn't that nice." She snapped.

"Look." I said grabbing a shirt. "It's band stuff okay." I lied. "We need to get together and discuss the new album."

"Oh." She mumbled.

"Yeah, so look I'm not sure how long we'll be." I said to her in a softer tone. "But hopefully I won't be late."

She nodded standing up and I looked at her. She looked as tired as me and I felt bad for the way I'd been thinking. Having a baby was hard work and I realised she was suffering as much as I was.

I walked over and kissed her. "I'll try and be quick." I told her.

I was lying, I knew that, a drink with one of the guy's was never quick and I knew we'd probably get home late, really late but right now I just wanted to keep the peace.

"Okay." She whispered, kissing me back.

I hugged her and then pulled away when I heard Matt pull up outside.

"I'll see you later." I said kissing her cheek, then I grabbed my wallet, running out to the car.

Running, I chuckled to myself, I honestly couldn't get out of there fast enough.

I opened the door and got in, looking at Matt.

"Hey." I said doing up my seatbelt.

"You look like shit." Matt laughed, pulling out.

"Yeah well you failed to mention having a child wasn't all smiles and giggles." I told him smiling. I already felt a weight lift of my chest, just being out of that house.

He laughed. "Oh yeah, it's something else."

"So where are we going?" I asked him, looking at him.

He kind of looked like shit himself to be honest. I thought the circles under my eye's were bad.

"There's a new bar opening." He told me. "I thought we might check it out."

"Sounds good." I said. "Should we be driving?" I asked, because lets be honest, neither of us would be capable of driving home.

"Ugh." He groaned. "I had to get out of there, quickly, so I'll just leave my car, we can pick it up tomorrow."

"You okay?" I asked him frowning.

"Yeah." He muttered. "I just needed to get out of the house for awhile, I was going insane."

I laughed out loud. "Oh yeah, I know that feeling."

"Val is driving me insane." He said. "All she does lately is complain."

I laughed again. "Maybe it's the weather." Because that was all Meaghan did too.

Matt laughed. "Maybe, but I need good stiff drink."

I nodded. I needed one too.

We found a parking spot and got out, walking to the bar. It was a little crowded, but not too bad and it was pretty nice.

I grabbed a table while Matt made his way to the bar, coming back with a shot of JD and beer for both of us.

He held his beer up and smiled. "Here's to peace and fucking quiet." He chuckled.

"Oh god." I groaned, clinking my glass with his. "Amen to that."

We sat there talking and drinking and the beers were going down so well.

Matt was talking and I let him, he needed to get some things off his chest so I let him talk. Things weren't great for him at home right now and honestly I felt really bad for him.

I was glad I had come out, Matt needed a friend and I was glad to be here for him.

As we sat there drinking and talking the bar began to fill up and I looked around. It was a classy place and the atmosphere was great, I was enjoying myself a lot.

Once again I congratulated Matt for his superb idea. We really both just needed some time out.

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