Chapter 16

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Matt's POV

It's been a long week of doing nothing but thinking about everything that happened last week.

That night with Aubrey.

Try as I might I haven't been able to get her out of my mind.

I curse myself daily for not getting her number.

I've tried everything to get her off my mind but nothing works.

I could hear River asking Val for some lunch but as has been the norm since he was born she brushed him off.

"Go ask daddy." she snapped. "I'm leaving."

Of course she was.

Of absolutely fucking course she was leaving.

She's always leaving.

This past week she's always been gone. Never home other when she come stinking in late at night falling asleep and waking up to hurry back out.

In a way it was fun really. It was more peaceful with her gone. It gave me more time to spend with my boys.

They really are the most beautiful and amazing little boys on the planet. So full of life and energy. They made all the bullshit Val pulls worth while. I would do it for them. I would give up my life for my boys.

"Daddy?" I heard River calling me from the kitchen.

I silently prayed at some point Val had gone grocery shopping yesterday but the chances are very slim that she had.

I may as well take my two boys out for lunch. Let us all escape this hell hole we call a home.

Maybe while I was out with them I could drive by Aubrey's house maybe even run into her.


There she was creeping into my mind again.

I had thought of a million different ways of being able to run into her again, but every little excuse became more ludicrous than the previous one.

"Daddy." River called again, his voice sounding closer to my office affectively breaking me from my thoughts of Aubrey.

"In here little man." I answered standing in the doorway.

I watched him run down the hallway into my waiting arms

"I'm hungry daddy. Mommy went bye bye again." He cried.

My heart broke for my son. His mother was always leaving him and his little brother when they just wanted her affection.

"I know buddy how about we take little brother and go out to get some lunch? How does that sound?" I asked him giving him a small squeeze in my arms.

"We gonna go bye bye?" He asked me with the excitement only a preschooler can have.

"Yes sir. Go find little bubby and his shoes and we can go." I smile setting him down watching him run off on a mission.

Watching him makes me so angry at Val and what she's doing to all of us.

She's never home. She never around for the little milestones they accomplish and almost always refuses to watch the videos I capture of them.

She barely knows her own children AND worse they barely know her.

It's makes me so angry.

Angry at her for putting them through this AND denying them the wonder that is a mother.

I Am Your Wrath I Am Your Guilt I am Your LustWhere stories live. Discover now