Chapter 13

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Aubrey's POV

I woke up and I felt like crap. I wasn't really surprised, I mean I'd drunk more than my fair share of alcohol as well as got fucked fifty way's of Sunday by a drop dead gorgeous guy with a more than average sized cock. Yeah it figure's I would feel like crap.

I groaned, rolling over and looking at the time. It was nearly midday and I really didn't want to get up, if I got up I might have to face reality and it really wasn't something I wanted to deal with today.

I threw back my cover's and sat on the edge of bed. Fuck me I was hurting and as I stood up I realised I had a little trouble walking. I had really been fucked stupid.

I went into the bathroom turning on the shower, hoping that might make me feel better, so I stood in there a while, just letting the water run on my body, loosening some of the knots. It worked a little and I felt a bit better by the time I finished.

I grabbed my towel and dried myself carefully, looking in the mirror. I was looking a little worse for wear and then I frowned, noticing something. I looked down and no, my eye's were not playing tricks on me, I had a bruise in the perfect shape of a hand print on my thigh and I inspected it. God the sex had been so good, every bruise worth it.

I limped into my room, grabbing some new pyjama's and pulling them on. I wasn't planning on doing anything today but lay around anyway.

I hobbled out into the kitchen and stopped. Samantha was already up and she was sitting at the bench, staring at nothing, drinking a coffee.

"Morning." I mumbled, going over and making a coffee.

"Good morning." She said softly. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better." I muttered, walking over and sitting gingerly on the other stool at the bench.

Samantha looked at me and frowned. "Why are you walking weird?"

I looked at her. "Um, well."


"My vag, it's killing me." I said bluntly and then sat there for five minutes listening to her laugh.

"Well you did want a good hard fucking Aubrey." She laughed.

I nodded. "Yeah I guess."

"At least you had a good time." She said taking a mouthful of coffee.

I looked at her, chewing my lip and then I couldn't help it, I burst into tears.

"Oh god Aubrey." Samantha cried, grabbing a tissue and handing it to me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm a slut." I wailed and it was true, I was a dirty slut.

"Oh god, no." She said putting her arm around my shoulder's. "You're not a slut, not at all."

"Yes." I cried. "I'm a dirty slut and a home wrecker, he was fucking married." And I burst into a fresh lot of tears.

"Shhhh." Samantha whispered, trying to calm me down. "You're not a slut and you're certainly not a home wrecker." She reassured me. "Matt is an adult, he made the choice to sleep with you."

"Oh goddddd." I wailed. "I'm a band whore toooooooooo."

"Aubrey please." Samantha cried looking at me with wide eye's.

"You're right." I sniffled, wiping my face. "What's done is done, I told Matt I'd never speak of it again and I won't, I'll just pretend that I'm not a slut."

"Aubrey please." Samantha snapped. "You are not a slut, so what, you slept with a guy, once, you've done it once, that hardly classes you as a slut."

"He has kids." I whispered, wiping my face. "God, nobody can ever find out."

"And they won't Aubrey." Sammie said. "Okay?"

I nodded and took a drink of my coffee, trying to calm myself down. I was failing, all I could hear in my head was a voice whispering slutslutslutslutslutslut.

"So, what are you doing today?" Samantha asked and I could tell she was trying to change the subject.

I shook my head. "Not much." I mumbled. "I'm not really capable of anything today."

"Well." She said standing up. "I'm going to make you a big greasy breakfast and then we can lay around all day watching movies and feeling sorry for ourselves."

I nodded. I was feeling sorry for myself. I'd met an amazing man last night and I couldn't have him because he was married and so far out of my league it was ridiculous.

"Is that your phone?" Samantha asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes." I groaned, getting up and shuffling off to find my phone.

It took me five minutes, but eventually I found it under my bed. My guess was it got knocked under there during last nights fun.

Fun. I sighed, it had been fun and Matt had been a really nice, genuine guy. Or had he been? Maybe that was just his routine to get girl's in bed.

Great, now I wanted to cry again.

I shuffled back into the kitchen, sitting down softly again and I looked at my phone, groaning.

"What?" Samantha asked, grabbing some bacon out of the fridge.

"Hunter called." I told her. "I have like, woah." I said as I scrolled. "I have 22 missed calls from him. Fuck I must have been drunk, I never heard a thing."

"Well what the fuck does he want anyway." Samantha snapped, cooking. "Now you can tell him you cheated and it will be over."

"I can't Samantha." I said softly. "I can't tell him, I promised Matt I wouldn't say a word, I swore to him." And then I burst into tears.

Great, I'd met a guy, he was married, he was the nicest guy I'd ever met in a long time and I had to pretend it never happened.

"Oh Aubrey." Samantha said coming over and hugging me. "They really were nice guys."

I looked at her and nodded. I guessed her and Zack had hit it off too. Why did they have to be married?

"Right." I sniffled, sitting up and wiping my cheeks. "Last night didn't happen okay." I told Samantha. "We never met them, nothing happened, you and I went out, we had a few drinks and that is it, okay?"

Samantha looked at me, chewing on her lip. "Okay and besides, it's not like we'll ever see them again."

"And if we do." I said firmly. "We'll pretend we have no idea who they are."

"Okay Aubrey." Samantha said softly.

I half smiled at her, when my phone rang, interrupting me and I snatched it up. "What?"

"Baby where have you been?" Hunter asked. "I've been calling you all night."

"I went out." I told him flatly while Samantha rolled her eye's at me.

"Well all that matter's is you're home now." He told me. "I'm on my way over, we need to sort this out."

I opened my mouth to protest, but it was too late, he'd already hung up.

"Aubrey no." Samantha said. "No, you're not getting back with him."

I just laid my head in the bench willing the day to be over already.

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