Alpha Papa

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I was getting sick of this, reading the same notebook, over, and over, and over again. I'd read the bible 436 times, and I would rather read that again right now. "Okay, baby, I have read this more times than the TARDIS flying for Dummies my nana made." I sighed, straddling Dean's lap, kissing him softly. "We can read this till our eyes bleed. It isn't getting any clearer."

"Okay. Then what does it mean?" Sammy asked, looking up from his laptop.

Dean looked at the paper. "Uh... Cut off the head, and the body will flounder. Okay. Well, I think we both agree that, uh, the head is Dick. Right?"

We both nodded at the head of this tiny family. "Right."

"So, bottom line is, we go grab the stuff, and we mix ourselves a weapon. End of story."

He swigged from his bottle as I sighed, resting my face in his shoulder, loving his arm across the small of his back. "Look, I'm all for killing Dick. I'm just saying, what then? I mean, what about the rest of the Leviathan? What, are they gonna just... drop dead?"

My baby shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe."

"Maybe?" Sammy questioned. ""Maybe" is good enough for you right now?"

"One problem at a time, all right?"

Please, could we just not have a solid plan with no risks? For once? We just got Sammy back to normal, Cassy was getting there, and Dean and I were still close in our relationship, even after my addiction, and the fact I still smoked normal cigarettes. But something told me there was a catch to this plan. "Okay. But it's not a crazy idea to try and figure out what the catch is before we go crashing the gate."

Dean sighed now, kissing my hair. "Maybe this is the catch. God's not telling us every detail. You know? The word is from God. I don't know how much better it's gonna get."

"I'll be right back." I muttered, grabbing my tin of licorice baccie and menthol filters and went outside, lighting up and let out a stream of ash. And even my normal breath was cloudy as everything suddenly went icy. "Bobby, you need to go to rest."

"Not while you 3 idiots need me." You needed to...  "Now, while you lot have been chasing your tails, I've been thinking on that weapon.

What the hell? You said you were resting. "Wait a second. Don't you think you should be saving your strength?"

He blinked at me. "For what?"

"I'm just saying you might want to slow down, Mr Singer. You don't look so hot."

Bobby just looked at me. "You only call me Mr Singer when you're in trouble, or you're worried about me." Yeah, wonder why I was in trouble, or I was worried about him? "I'm in the Veil. My Brad Pitt days are over. Now, the kid says that the only way to kill Leviathan is with a bone washed in the three bloods of the fallen. It's got to be from a human as light and good as the Leviathan are hungry and dark."

"Yeah. Good luck with that. My family has watched this planet beginning to end, there's no one like that."

"The rest is doable, and doable now." He interjected as I dragged back on my fag, liking the feeling of killing myself without being able to die. "You've already got the fallen angel blood, you and your brother. Now, next up is blood from the ruler of fallen humanity. Now, the best I can tell, that's Crowley. Numero tres is the father of fallen beasts."

Ok... "Which means...?"

"You got to bleed an Alpha." Shit.

"But they're all dead." Dean told him, appearing behind me. Come on, I went outside to smoke to stop your breathing it in, and you just followed me. "I mean, every one we found, we rounded up for Crowley, and then Cas whammied them all."

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