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IM SO HYPED RIGHT NOW BECAUSE APPARENTLY I JUST GOT RECRUITED INTO FAZE. Jk but I did get recruited to join a little group of fan pages and it's the best thing ever for me. I'm so happy. Anyways, on with the story.

I pulled up to the house next door to the FaZe House. "Okay, how are we gonna do this? We just gonna bust in guns blazing or we gonna knock?" Jay asked. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone.

To Apex↕️
Hey Dumbass. Make sure the doors open. 👌🏻

From Apex↕️
It's open Dumbass

"Well we can bust in guns blazing. If you want to." I pulled out my camera and pressed the record button.

"Hey guys it's Cas here coming back to the world with a new vlog. Anyways we're here outside of the faze house to surprise my brother. I'll be recording as we go in but let's hope Aped hasn't said anything about me being here. You ready?" I asked my best friend. She brought out her camera and pressed record. We got out of my Impala and started walking over to the steps.

Trying to be as sneaky as possible I opened the door slowly so it didn't make any noise. I stepped inside the house and walked to the right which was where they had a room with bunk beds. I walked my way into the kitchen where Rain, Adapt, and Apex were chilling. "Hey guys what's up?" I said loudly sitting on the counter top with my camera pointing at them.

They all turned around. "Yo! What's up!" Rain and Adapt ran over to me and I hugged them back.

"As fun as it would be to sit here and talk to you losers where's Tommy?"

"He's at the soccer field right now playing soccer with Teeqo, CBass, Nick and Rug." Apex said looking at his phone.

"Apex don't be rude!" Rain yelled at him.

"Aye! I helped her get in here!"

"How!? You were sitting right here!" Adapt motioned to him on the chair.

"He kept quiet about me being here yesterday." Nordan and Alex looked at me confused, "He saw me at the airport and we gave him a ride here." We heard footsteps and I turned my camera to the hallway.

Blaziken was looking down at his phone and then looked up at all of us. His eyes found his way over to me and I smiled widely at him. "Cas!?"

"Hi Lucas!" I put my camera on the counter and then jumped off to hug him. Out hugs to each other are different than anyone else's. He wraps his arms around my neck and I wrap mine around his torso. We stayed like that for a few seconds before we both pulled away and just stared at each other. I didn't want things to get awkward so I walked back over to my camera and grabbed it.

"So how much longer until my brother gets back?" I asked turning off my camera.

"Yeah I'm starving." Jay complained.

"You're always hungry." I said to her jumping back on the counter. "Rain give me your phone." I held my hand out for him to give it to me.

"What why?"

"So I can text him you doof! I can't text him from my phone because then he'll know I'm here and it's supposed to be a surprise."

"It surprised me." Blaziken laughed. I blushed a bit but kept my hand out for Rain to give me his phone. After a few seconds he gave me his phone.

I went through his texts and found the faze house group chat.

To FaZe House
Nordan💩: Let's go to iHop
Temperrr🦁: Alright
Temperrr🦁:We're already leaving to the house. You gonna wait for us or we meet you there?
Nordan💩: We'll meet you there. We're leaving now.

"Done." I threw Rain's phone back to him. "Let's go." They were dressed in basketball shorts and regular shirts so I said we should just go cause who's gonna care how they look.

We walked out to the front yard while Rain and Adapt went through the garage. I saw the garage door open and saw the Audi R8 that Nordan just bought. "Damn boy. Rolling up in style or what?"

"They took the FaZe car. I kinda have to." Jay looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Go ahead." Adapt got out of the car so she could get in and Apex followed behind her. I leaned down, "you're gonna have to show me where to go because I just got here."

"I know where we're going." Blaziken pulled me away and over to my car. "This is dope." He stared at my car.

"I'm only gonna ask this once. Do you wanna drive it?" I held the keys up and he grabbed them from my hand.

"Hell yes!"


*Tommy's POV*

I turned down the street to the faze house just in time to see an old Chevy Impala passing us. "My sister loves that show!" I stared at it as it drove away.

"What show?" Teeqo asked.

"Supernatural. She's always saying how she wants to buy a car just like that. When we get home I'll call her and tell her that I just saw one." I turned the wheel and stepped on the gas.

"It's actually a good show." Rug said from the back seat.

"She loves it." I said as we pulled into the drive way.

Being FaZe Temperrr's Little Sister // LucasWhere stories live. Discover now