•treinta y cinco•

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Yes I'm alive and well if you were wondering. (Probably not but oh well.) but Finally an update!!!! ☺️😄

I want to get to know you all better so comment where you're from. I'll probably be asking questions to know more about all of you so be aware of that.

Amber came out of the room with tears in her eyes. "He didn't remember me." I grabbed her hand and we sat down together with Jay on the other side of me.

"I'm so sorry Lucas." I whispered out loud letting tears fall from my eyes. Jay grabbed my hand and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I can't do this." I turned my head.

"Do what?"

Amber shrugged then sighed, "Be a mother. I can't do it."

"What do you mean?" Jay popped her head up from my shoulder and looked at her as well.

"I mean, I can handle having the baby-giving birth- and all. But caring for and loving it. I can't do that. I've been completely off the grid from my family, telling them that I'm going on a very needed vacation for a couple of months." She stopped and turned to me. "I want you to have my baby."

"I have a baby to think about." I said in awe.

"Please. You'll give it the best care it can get."

"I can do it." Jay spoke up raising her hand.

"Thank you!" Amber jumped up and brought Jay into a tight hug.

"Jay are you sure you can handle more than one kid?"

"Bry is going to help out too besides we don't have to tell Lucas that it's his. We can just say that I was having twins." Jay said letting go of Her.

We nodded our heads in agreement and stayed sitting together in the chairs while the guys took turns going in the room.


I laid in bed with my babies around me on my bed.The sun was shining brightly from my window above me and I laid in bed for about a good hour before someone knocked on the door.

*knock knock*

"It's open."

Jay and her puppies came into the room and joined us on the bed. "You okay?" I just nodded in response. I didn't feel like talking at the moment. She picked up my puppies and moved them onto the other side of me and laid on my right. I don't know how that worked because I had a kind of small bed.

"You sure?" Nod.

"Okay." We laid in the bed in silence.

"I feel like Christina Yang and Meredith Grey from Grey's Anatomy. When Christina comes over to Meredith's house and they just lay in Mer's bed and don't even talk. Like Sleepovers." I said turning my head to look at her.

"It seems like it all the time."


"Maybe we should up and go visit him at the faze house. Starting over sounds good right?"

"Yeah." She pulled me out of bed and I went into the bathroom to take a shower.


Waking up in the morning wasn't bad, I mean I barely remembered anything throughout the past few months. I didn't want to tell anyone that I remembered some memories about Cassandra. Some are of us being romantic or flirting, I even remember having sex with her. Then again this could all be a dream of mine. I mean I always did have a crush on her, but I didn't think I should because Tommy would probably get mad at me.

"You up bro?" Banks asked knocking on my door.


"Alright, the guys are making food so you should come downstairs in a bit and get some." I heard his footsteps descend down the stairs and disappear. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up. I turned my phone on and looked at my lock screen. It was Cassandra and I sitting on the couchwith her legs on top of mine as she leaned against the arm of the couch.

That's how I knew we had something for sure, at least I think I did. Maybe I should ask her about it the next time I see her. Or I should ask the guys about it? Either way I will find out if we had something or not.

Taking my phone off the charger, I got off my bed and went downstairs. I hit the floor and the front door opened. I locked eyes with Cass who had a huge smile on her face. It faded a bit when she saw me but she came inside anyways with a bunch of puppies and a big dog on leashes. She came in and her best friend followed after and then some guy who I don't remember. Please don't tell me that they're dating.

"Honey I'm home." Her friend yelled. Rain, Banks and Tommy ran over to them. Tommy hugged his sister and her best friend then gave the guy a bro hug. Rain hugged Cass and high fived the guy but what surprised me was that he picked up Jay and kissed her.

"When did that happen?" I asked no one in particular plus getting my mind off of Banks and Cass who were hugging for a little bit longer than I liked.

They pulled away from each other and looked at me, "When we found out I was pregnant." Jay answered with a small smile on her face.

My mouth opened in shock, Who would've thought of Rain becoming a dad? "Lets go get breakfast." Cass grabbed banks' hand and they skipped off to the kitchen. The guy and Rain followed after but Jay stayed back and talked to me.

"Don't worry about that. Worry about yourself." She smiled softly at me and pushed me to the kitchen where everyone was at already eating breakfast.

I'm so so so so so so so sorry about not updating for a while. School came up and I had-well have- a lot of things to do but I really needed to come back to wattpad and to everyone here. I had a few problems but I am over them and ready to get back into my usual writing schedule that I absolutely need to make and stick to now but it's kind of hard having writers block and not knowing what to write so putting random chapters in.
If I ever decide to make a new story I will most definitely let you all know and if you want I would let y'all actually be in the story to make it more better.
If you've read this far in my sorry excuse of an apology then I love you! Anyways thank you all so much because we're already at 11k reads! I'm so proud right now because this story wasn't much to begin with so thank you all!

~comment your favorite ship from the story if you read this 😊

Being FaZe Temperrr's Little Sister // LucasWhere stories live. Discover now