•treinta y cuatro•

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Sorry for the time skip
Song: How To Save A Life by The Fray

It's been about two months now, as far as I know Lucas and Amber are still dating and apparently going strong. I haven't showed up at the FaZe House in a while. If the guys want to talk to me they either come here or we go out somewhere.

Jay and I sat on the couch in the living room with Bryson on the floor asleep. It was about 2:30 in the morning and we were watching How I Met Your Mother. I loved the show it's very funny.

A knock on the door made us pull our heads away from the flat screen. "Who could that be?" I asked Jay. She just shrugged in response. The knocking became more frequent and rushed.

Jay and I jumped off the couch and ran to the door. She opened it and Tommy stood at the door soaking wet. I didn't even know it was raining outside.

"Tommy? What happened?" I asked him. He didn't come inside like I thought he would, then I saw cop cars and an ambulance drive by behind him.

"It's Lucas." My eyes widened. No. I put on some shoes as fast as I could and ran over to their house. Even if I didn't talk to him, I still care about him and I always will. I ran into Banks who pulled me too him. He was holding me as I watched a couple of people start trying to get Lucas out of the car. Amber was sitting on the sidewalk crying.

I tried to get out of Banks' arms but of course he was stronger than me. It seemed like everything was going in slow motion. Cops and firefighters pulling the car door open. Seeing Lucas being pulled out. Blood everywhere. It's all in slow motion. I looked at Amber who was still crying and leaning her head on her knees for support.

Lucas was covered in blood. I wanted so bad to run to him, to make sure he's okay. Obviously he's not. It's hard to just stand here and not do something to help. I broke down and started crying. Banks turned me around and hugged me tightly in order to calm me down.

How could I? Blood. Glass. Pieces of the car. All I could focus on was the blood. I prayed that Lucas would be okay. I prayed that everything would be alright. That it would be some miracle that he is healthy and only has a few scratches and bruises.

The guys all stood watching, wanting to help their friend. I kept crying even when the ambulance took him away. I couldn't believe anything. I didn't know what happened. I wish everything was back the way it was. Before all of the fighting and what not. I wish I could take every horrible thing I said to and about him.

Banks let go of me and I walked over to Amber. "I'm not saying we should be friends. But we both care about him. All in asking is for you to tell me what happened." I didn't look at her or make eye contact. I stared at the car across the street that he was just in.

"I told him something as we were leaving. I didn't want to say it in front of the guys because I didn't know how they'd react. I just- I needed him to know."

"What was it?"

"I'm pregnant. Have been. I didn't want to be. I told him and he was excited. More excited than I've ever seen him. Then I told him that I didn't want the baby. That it would ruin my life and then he got angry and a car came out of nowhere and hit us. It's over there." She pointed a couple of houses down and saw the car in the middle of the road. "Drunk guy. He was completely fine. Lucas and I took the blow, mostly Lucas. I can't believe it. It's all my fault."


"It is. He stopped the car because I told him that."

"Let's save that for when the people start asking questions." A guy in a uniform came up to us and said that Amber needed to get checked out.

"Go with me please. I can't go alone. Please?" I nodded and walked with my arm around her. Jay looked at me skeptically but I ignored her. We got into the ambulance and sat in silence holding hands while we waited to arrive.


I sat in the room with her. Still holding her hand. Why am I being so nice? I've asked myself that question a bunch of times on the way over here.

Maybe it's because people say that certain things happen to bring others closer together. I shouldn't be holding a grudge on anyone. Because at anytime they could be taken away from me before I know it.

"The baby is okay. Looking good. Everything is going good." The nurse said to Amber. She nodded and gave a small sigh of relief.

The nurse left and Amber wiped off the goo they used for an ultrasound. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Coming here. You could've said no. But you did. Thank you."

"No problem. It's no big deal."

"We should go find the others." I helped her off the table and we started walking around trying to find where they were keeping him. I saw Jay and called her name. She ran over to where we were and showed us where Lucas was. He wasn't in too bad of a condition.

We all waited for the doctor to come out of the room and tell us what's wrong with him. I explained to Jay that we were helping Amber and she just agreed.

Finally the doctor came out of the room. "You can go see him now. He's actually got some memory loss, we can not really tell if it's permanent or temporary but some should come back to him within the next few hours. Don't try to push a bunch of things on him at once okay?" Everyone nodded in agreement.

Us girls let the guys go first because they're more of family to him than we are. They all came out one by one. I told Amber to go in but she insisted I go first. I thanked her and went inside. He was asleep. I sat on the chair next to him and stroked his cheek with the back of my hand.

He was scratched up. Bruises and bandages everywhere. He smiled in his sleep and turned towards me. "I know you." He said sleepily.

"Really?" I said hopefully.

"Yeah, you're Tommy's sister. Why are you here to see me?"

I sighed, "for a reason I hoped you'd remember. But now I'm here for support. I heard what happened and I came to make sure that you were okay."

"I'm doing good." He gave me a thumbs up and smiled. "You know I always had a crush on you. I'd probably had never told you that but they have me on drugs." He pointed to the IV.

I laughed, "probably not. Thank you for telling me though." He gave me another thumbs up and fell asleep. I sat up and kissed his forehead before walking out and into the hallway.

I'm trying so hard not to cry. While I was writing this chapter I got the message that my nephew was being taken to a hospital. Weird right? He was having a seizure and I'm a city away so it's taking about an hour or more to get over there and I'm really worried. They said he was fine but I want to make sure myself. He means the entire world to me. I'm really upset right now.

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