•treinta y dos•

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"Ricky stop touching my stomach! The baby is really really really tiny!" I smacked his hand away for what seemed like the thousandth time.

"I'm sorry! It's just hard to imagine that you are holding what is soon to be a baby. Isn't that going to hurt when you give birth? Like your vag-"

"Stop talking right now. Please stop." I smacked his arm. Dane was running around in my sights while the both of us sat on a bench in the park.

"All in saying is-"


"Yes?" I glared at him and punched his arm lightly. "Have you thought of baby names?"

"No not really. But I told Bryson if name it after him if the baby was a boy."

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"Name him after me!"

"Great so my baby's name is going to be Ricky Bryson. How fabulous."

"No. How about Richard Bryce?"

"Well that's better at least."

"I agree. Let's go home." He pulled me off the bench and I whistled to Dane who came running back to us. I put his leash back on him and we started to walk back home.

"I can't believe I'm having a baby."

"I can't either. I feel like Tommy is pissed because of it. He knows that you and little Pokémon have had sex now. Unprotected sex may I add."

"Yes Ricky I know." We walked inside the FaZe house. It was already dark outside for some reason. Most of the guys were gone except Apex. "Where is everyone Apex?"

"They went out."

"Out where?"

"I don't know to a bar or something like an hour ago."

"Even Lucas?"

"Are you kidding? It was his idea." He scoffed. I guess he realized what he said was wrong because he turned around and looked at me, "I shouldn't have said that." I ran outside and home to Bryson's car that I had a key to. I pushed Dane inside the house.

"Bryson I'm taking your car!"

"Okay!" He yelled back to me. I shut the door behind me and got into his car. I started it up and reversed and drove to a random bar that I knew they'd be at. I got out of the car and went inside. I showed them my ID and they let me in. I found my brother and some of the guys drinking.


"Hey little sister!" I'm guessing he was buzzed because he had this dorky smile on his face.

"Where's Lucas?"

"I don't know."

"He want back there!" Rain pointed to some room. I nodded and walked towards it. I got stopped by a couple of girls who told me not to go but I pushed passed them and went inside. I couldn't believe what I saw.


"Are you sure it was him?" Jay asked me as I sat on the couch. I just nodded my head. I didn't want to talk about it because I can still picture it in my mind.

"I'm beating the shit out of him." Bryson yelled walking to the door.

"Don't. It's not worth it. Trust me." I kept my eyes straight ahead of me.

"But he hurt you." Bryson said angrily.

"Yes he did! But you know what? We can show him that we're better than that. That we can take care of ourselves. That we don't need him." A tear fell from my eye.

"She's right. Plus you'll get hit too. Me on the other hand can't get hit. Sit here with her because I am goin-"

"Jay! Enough! Let's just not talk about him. I don't want to think of anything that happened. I just want to be in the peace and quiet. If you want you can go yell at him. I don't give a shit anymore. Hands off though. I don't want to have to bail you idiots out of jail."

"Fine." They grumbled. Then they left the house. I locked the door behind them and went up to my room. I locked my bedroom door and stepped out of my window then climbed my way up to the roof. I laid there just thinking about what happened.

I got stopped by a couple of girls who told me not to go but I pushed passed them and went inside. I couldn't believe what I saw. Lucas was having sex with another girl. And out of all the sluts in the entire world, she looked up at me and we locked eyes. Amber. She laughed, "we've got company." Lucas turned around with a smile on his face but it fell as soon as he saw me.

I shook my head trying to keep myself from crying. "Cassandra!" He stood up letting his whole body in my vision. I've seen it before obviously but not with another girl. I held my hand up in a way of telling him to stop. "Cas I can explain."

"Don't. Please don't. You'll only find a way to make it worse." I took off my-his necklace and threw it at him. I took one last look at her as she stood up next to him. Her body was way more amazing than mine. I thought I had Lucas to myself. I thought he loved me. I thought he was my forever. I guess forever has an end.

I looked away as he tried to get dressed and ran out of the room. I pushed past a bunch of people and ran outside to get some air. I fell to the ground next to the car and tried to breathe. I felt like I was inside a box that was only getting smaller and smaller. I was outside but I felt like I couldn't breath in the fresh air. Then two people jumped up and front of me and helped me calm down. I pulled them into a huge hug and started crying. Bryson picked me up and sat me in the backseat with him while Jay took the keys from me and started driving home.

I put a hand on my stomach. "Your fathers not a bad person. I know he's not. He must have a reason to have done that. Don't worry, I don't blame you for anything. I promise." I looked up at the millions of stars and the bright moon until I fell asleep on the room.

Being FaZe Temperrr's Little Sister // LucasWhere stories live. Discover now