•cuarenta y uno•

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So it turns out that while I was yelling at the nurse and at Bryson. My water broke. Yep strange huh. So here I am laying down in a bed next to my best friend. Both of us screaming our heads off because some jackasses decided to have unprotected sex.

After about half an hour we finally started to deliver the babies. Of course Jay's came out first but it was my delivery that surprised me.

"Congratulations ladies. I'll be back in a few minutes to help you again." The doctor stood up and left the room.


"What does he mean again?" Jay asked.

I shook my head, not understanding what the doctor meant. I saw Lucas holding our baby, tears in his eyes. 

"What are we gonna name her?" He asked me staring at his baby girl.

"Her? It's a girl?"

He nodded and came over to me with a smile on his face. I felt really sleepy but I wanted to see my princess before I fell asleep. I held my arms out for her and he placed her softly in my arms. She wasn't crying, just laying there with her eyes closed.

"Alice Amber Mosing." I said softly caressing her head. Suddenly my stomach started bothering me again. "Ow." Lucas took her back from my arms and cradled her.

"What the hell!" I yelled as the nurse walked in. Behind her, the doctor.

"I'm assuming you're ready?" He questioned putting on his protective equipment.

"Ready for what?" I grabbed onto the sheet and balled my hand into a fist.

"The second baby of course." I screamed loudly because I felt massive pain.

"Second baby?!" The nurse put a hospital bracelet on the baby and asked if Lucas wanted to go with her. I nodded and told him that I would be okay. Of course he wanted to stay but I wanted to show that I am a big girl. That I can do things on my own. He nodded and left. They moved Jay out of the room and into another one so she could rest.

We went through the whole process again, with a little less pain because my body was slightly used to it. A couple of minutes later a baby boy was in my arms. "Richard Bryce Mosing." I whispered to him. I kissed his forehead and a nurse came and took him from me and cleaned him up.

They took me up into another room where Lucas was waiting with our kids. I felt really tired but I kept my eyes open. He handed me our daughter Alice and he held Richard.

"Richard Bryce? Really?" He chuckled.

"I told them I would name our boy after them. Apparently we were having two kids. So...." I laughed. They were beautiful babies. I started tearing up just looking at them.

Tommy came into the room with a camera and snapped a picture. "What was that for?"

"An off guard picture of my little sister's family." He smiled and pulled the camera up again, "Smile."

The both of us looked at the camera and smiled. I was proud of this little family we made. I was proud that I would finally become a parent. I just wish Amber was here to see this.

"I'm just saying that now we have three kids." Lucas wanted to keep Damian instead of handing him off to Jay.

"Wow. Fuck me right?" I laughed jokingly.

"I already did, and look where that got us." I slapped his arm with a smile on my face. I can't believe we have to take care of three kids. At least we'll know how to take care of kids now.

So how did you all feel about that little surprise? I definitely not see it coming at all. Last minute surprise.

Being FaZe Temperrr's Little Sister // LucasWhere stories live. Discover now