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You don't realize that your comments are the reason that I keep going with this book so thank you so much 💖😭
Lucas is so adorable 😍

*Cassandra's POV*

Somehow we beat Rain and the others here, how do I know? They pulled in the lot 10 seconds after we did. Blaziken came over to my side and opened my door for me.

"Thank you my kind sir." I said in an accent.

"You're very welcome." He closed the door and I looped my arm into his. The others got out of Rain's car and Jay pointed her camera over to Lucas and I.

"When are you two gonna admit your love for each other?" She asked smirking. I threw her the finger but leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Can we go eat?" Apex asked pushing his way through us all.

"Alright Oompa Loompa lets go!" Jay yelled pointing towards the entrance and literally danced her way over to it. I quickly brought out my camera and started to record her.

"That's my best friend you guys. She's something special." I laughed before turning it to Blaziken. "And this is Blaziken. Say hi!"

He waved slightly and smiled. "Hi!" Rain and Adapt yelled from behind him. I pointed it to them and stuck the finger at them making sure it was in the frame. I stopped recording, grabbed Blaziken's hand and almost dragged him to where Jay and the Short Man were.

Adapt opened the door for all of us and we filed in one-by-one. The lady at the desk looked to be about 20 maybe and she kept eyeing Lucas. I can't help but get jealous because she was really pretty. Prettier than me. What if Blaziken thinks she pretty?

"Table for eleven please?" Lucas asked her.

She batted her eyelashes, "of course. You'll just have to wait until the rest of your friends get here." Her voice was mostly flirty towards him.

I looked over at Jay who had her camera out and was recording her, "Where's your bathroom?" She asked.

The girl turned her head to her and glared fiercely at her. "It's right there." She pointed behind her, "Now if you wouldn't mind, get that camera off me please." She demanded.

I looked at Lucas who was looking at her like she was weird. "Of course." Jay said turning it off and following her finger to the bathroom. The rest of us went to sit down. She stopped Lucas but I stopped with him.

"You don't mind if I talk to him alone do you?" She asked me with a small glare. I looked at him and he looked at me with pleading eyes and slightly shook his head 'no.'

Suddenly I got really confident, "Actually, as his girlfriend. Yes I would mind." I gave her a smile and intertwined our hands together and walked over to the guys with him following behind. We sat down and he put his arm around me. I looked back over to the girl and she was fuming.

I waved at her and laughed. She turned around and walked back to the counter and went on her phone. "When did you get so confident?" Jay asked pulling me away from him to the other side of the seats.

"I don't know. She was flirting with him and then he basically said for me to get him out of it and it just popped out of nowhere." I ran my hands through my hair.

"Guys he's here!" Adapt called to us. Jay and I looked at each other and ran to the bathroom.

"Oh shit I left my camera out there!" I whispered to her.

*Lucas' POV*

"Guys Cas forgot her camera!" Adapt picked it up.

"Give it to me!" He threw it to me and I pressed record and started vlogging. "Yo what's going on guys is Lucas or FaZe Blaziken. Hope you're all having a great day so far. Today we're actually starting the day off at iHop and- Hey Tommy." I turned to Tommy and gave him a bro hug.

"We gonna eat?" He asked.

"Yeah let's go." We all walked over to the girl again and asked to be seated.

"Where's your girlfriend?" She asked looking around. Nick slapped my shoulder.

"Bro how come you never told me you had a girlfriend."

"We can talk about this later. Please seat us?"

"Sorry I have to wait until everyone is present. Take your seats." She waited for us to sit down and we all did. Apex brought out his phone and started typing. I guess texting the girls.

*Cassandra's POV*

My phone started blasting Dean Winchester's Scream. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and read the text message.

From Apex↕️
The dumbass girl won't seat us until you come out. Christmas has to be early this year.

I groaned, "What is it?"

"The slut won't seat them unless we're there. Wow. Surprise surprise. I hate her." She started recording again and faced the camera to me. "We'll go on! We gotta surprise him either way." She pushed me to the door and I opened it slowly. I took a deep breath and opened it fully and started walking to the boys.

I waited for a couple of seconds and they all looked up. "Andy!?" Tommy jumped up and stared at me.

"Tommy!" I ran to him and jumped into his arms. "I missed you!" He kissed my head.

"I missed you too baby sister." He put me down and wiped my tears. "Why are you crying?"

"I don't even know!" I wiped them away and hugged him again.

"We're still gonna get food right?" Jay asked from behind me.

"Oh yeah." I walked over to the girl. "We'd like to be seated now." I sassed.

"Whatever. I thought the other one was your boyfriend?" I could feel everyone's stares on me.

"So? I can't hug my brother because I have a boyfriend? I don't know what kind of relationship you have but I'm allowed to hug my family. Hell I could sit at a different table than my boyfriend and he would still trust me. Right babe?" My confidence came flooding back in.

Blaziken walked over to me and wrapped his arm around me again, "of course babe." Just for effect, he kissed my cheek.

"Will you seat us now? Or do I have to call the manager?" I smirked. She glared at me but grabbed our menus and mumbled the words, 'follow me.' Jay and I high fived and walked ahead of everyone else.

Being FaZe Temperrr's Little Sister // LucasWhere stories live. Discover now