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Second update today because I actually finished another chapter 🤗

"Woah! Am I interrupting something?" Tommy asked coming into the kitchen shirtless and rubbing his eyes.

I cleared my throat and pulled away, "it's already the afternoon and you just woke up?" CBass handed me the cereal box and I thanked him.

"You try playing games and living in a house with a bunch of gamers." He stole the box from my hand.

"Okay one, I worked hard to get that box." I took it back, "and two, I basically live here anyways. I'm here all day and go home for the night."

Tommy got the gallon of milk out of the fridge and I grabbed two bowls and two spoons. The both of us sat down and made our bowls of cereal.

"I didn't know you had a sister?" CBass asked from his place back on the counter. He had grabbed a jar of peanut butter and was eating it.

"Really? I thought you did." He responded taking a spoonful of his cereal and eating it. They got sucked into some conversation but my mind couldn't help but wonder to our almost kiss. I mean I couldn't like him from just meeting him? Well I've seen videos with him in it from the other guys and he seems really funny and sweet and caring and Stop it Cassandra! I mentally slapped myself out of those thoughts. I mean Blaziken is the only guy I liked right?

"What about you Cas?" Tommy asked me. I jolted up kind of scared that I heard my name out of nowhere.

"What about me?" I asked confused.

"What do you think we should do today?" CBass asked looking at me. I quickly averted my eyes to my brother.

"I have no idea. Blaziken said we're gonna go get Chipotle but I guess that can wait till later. Oh! Let's go to the mall!" I clapped happily.

"I heard something about the mall!" Jay said walking into the room with Jev behind her.

"Of course you did you shopaholic." I called to her still eating my cereal.

"Okay first of all, you shop just as much as I do. And secondly, why are you eating cereal in the afternoon?"

"Why does everyone question my life decisions!?!" I yelled letting my spoon fall back into the bowl.

"Calm down. So are we going to the mall or not?" She asked.

I shrugged, "I'm down. Do you guys wanna join us?" I looked at each of the guys in the room.

"Hell no. You made me carry all ten of your bags last time I went with you." Tempbro said laughing.

"They were heavy! What did you want me to do? You were there and you're my brother, therefore you had to help me." I explained finishing my cereal. I walked over to the sink and placed my bowl and spoon down and turned on the sink for a couple of seconds to clean it a bit and then turned it off.

"I'll go." CBass said raising his hand.

"Me too!" Jev said making Jay smile.

"Should we ask the guys if they want to come too?" Jay asked.

I groaned, "I guess. But I'm taking my car. Which is like twenty thousand miles away."

"I thought you lived up the street?" CBass asked.

"We do. She's just over dramatic."

"Still too far. I'll go ask Blaziken, Apex, Teeqo and Banks if they want to go with us. You go ask the others." I started to walk to the stairs before Jay stopped me in the hallway away from the guys.

Being FaZe Temperrr's Little Sister // LucasWhere stories live. Discover now