•treinta y ocho•

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Do you all realize that I read every single comment? Like if you have an idea that you think would be good for the story you can comment it and I'll most likely use it sometime before the book ends.

Anyways, What's your favorite quote?
I don't necessarily have one but I want to hear yours.


I was now seven months pregnant and looked like a god damn whale. I mean almost everyone says that but who cares. My brother helps out a lot with the baby along with Jay, Bry and Banks. Lucas helps out every once in a while but at least he knows it's his kid.

I sat on the couch in the FaZe house eating chocolate ice cream. Banks sat on my left and Tommy on my right. Jay was on the floor attempting to do some yoga moves.

"Woman. Why do you all of a sudden want to do yoga?" I had asked earlier.

She just replied with, "So I can get the baby fat off easier." I rolled my eyes as we continued to watch ELeague. We were playing but another team was. We really didn't have anything to do and the boys wanted to watch it.

Every once in a while they'll jump up and cheer for the team they want to win but they'll sit back down.

I don't know if Banks and I are dating or what because we'll be all cutesy one day and the next we'll be like best friends. We hold hands and cuddle but hardly ever kiss. And guys say we're confusing.

Lucas is slowly gaining his memory back. Some days he'll look at me like I was his entire world, but that's most likely him remembering everything we used to have.

Banks grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Lucas and Adapt came into the living room and sat down with us. Apex left for the week to go back home for a while.

"Guys." I groaned.

"Whaaaat?" Tommy asked.

"I want a pickle." I poked at my ice cream suddenly not wanting it anymore. Tommy took it from me and got up off the couch.

"We don't have any pickles." He called back from the kitchen.

"I'll go to the store and get one. I want something too." Jay tried to get up off the floor and I laughed as Adapt went to help her up.

"You wish you could go somewhere." Rain said walking to her and taking her from Adapt.

"But food." She whined.

"Listen to her! We're having babies and we need food." I held my finger up and thrashed it around like an old woman trying to get attention from her children.

"Well you're not going alone." Banks said standing up and grabbing onto my hand slowly hoisting me off the couch.

"I can drive them." Blaziken insisted. The other guys just agreed with him. Jay and I put on our shoes, with help, then went into the car. I sat in the front with Lucas driving and Jay in the back.

He helped jay out of the car first and then came to my door and opened it. He grabbed my hand and then my shoulder and I did a little jump out. He closed the door behind me and walked with us to the door. He held the door open and the three of us walked in.

I ran to get pickles and some juice while Jay ran to get doughnuts and chips. Lucas followed me and grabbed some things that we might need.

"I just remembered something." He said to me.

"What? That we need milk? Because I think we do." I walked over to where the milk was and grabbed a carton and handed it to him.

"No not that. I mean I remember what I felt that night when I cheated on you." His words stopped me in my tracks. I didn't speak, I didn't turn around. I stayed exactly still.

"Can we please not talk about that?" I finally started moving to go find my pregnant best friend.

"No. Because I want to tell you how I felt."

"Why of all days would you choose to tell me now? Huh? Cause right now, explaining it is going to make it worse. Plus I don't want to talk about it. It's been months. It was forever ago. I'm done with it. Why can't you be?!" He grabbed my arms and held me still.

"Because I love you. And no matter what I always will love you. You're having my baby. Not Ricky's. My child. My baby. That night was one of the worst nights for me. I felt like I needed to just relax and get everything off my mind. So I decided we should go out for drinks. Next thing I know Amber shows up and I was drunk and my feelings from years ago came out. I couldn't hold them in. I just couldn't. And when I saw you standing there  I realized what a huge mistake I had made. I lost the girl of my dreams for some girl who used to be my friend. I love you. And I cannot live with myself if I do not get a confirmation of your forgiveness. I don't want my child to think that I abandoned their mother for some girl who I don't care about.

"Please forgive me Cassie. Please." His eyes watered with tears threatening to spill out. I couldn't help but let out a few tears from myself. It was amazing that he confessed his feelings for me but why did it have to be so long after the incident happened?

I shook my head, not knowing whether I should forgive him. After every bad thing he's done, after every romantic thing that he's done. I just didn't know what to do.

Finally I told him my answer, "I guess."

Being FaZe Temperrr's Little Sister // LucasWhere stories live. Discover now