Chapter One

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"... And that's all for today everyone, see you tomorrow for another video, bye!" I finished my video and stopped my recording. Tonight was going to be a long night of editing.

My name is Lee Lane. My YouTube channel, LuckyLee has over 2 million subscribers. I make videos of me doing some of my hobbies such as playing the violin, piano, and playing video games. I also make daily vlogs. I record many of my videos with my half brother, Josh Zerker, and the other members of the Sidemen.

I don't get to see or spend much time with any of them in person because while they live in the UK, I live in the US. I met and figured out that Josh was my half brother about 5 years ago at a convention in the UK...


I was walking around the convention with just my dad while my mom and sister were resting at my booth.

We decided to go and relax in a VIP room for YouTubers and their families. We walked into the rooms and there were a lot of familiar faces like: Marcus Butler, Joe Sugg, Zoe Sugg, Caspar Lee, and Josh Zerker from the Sidemen.

Me and my dad sat down on one of the couches and talked to some of the other YouTubers. After a while my dad starting to get nervous and antsy. Then Josh and an older woman walked over.

"Hi, Lee. I'm Josh and might I say I love watching your videos," he said to me while out stretching his hand records me. I stood up and took his hand.

"Hi Josh! I absolutely love your videos and everyone else's in the Sidemen. Oh, and this is my dad, Dean," I said as I gestured to my dad. Josh and my dad shook hands and said hello to each other. My dad was acting extremely nervous and I don't know why.

"And this is my mom-" Josh began to speak but my dad cut him off.

"Carol(I don't actually know her name so I just made one up). It's so nice to see you again," my dad said. He then looked back and forth between Josh and Carol.

"Yes Dean, he is," she said. Josh and I gave each other a strange look before turning to our parent.

"Dad, what is going on?" I asked, but I already had a feeling of what it was.

" This is Carol, the woman I was married to before your mother. And Josh is my son too," he said loud enough that Josh and Carol could hear. I stood there blank faced. How could my father lie to my whole family, but more importantly my mom. My dad had promised that they had not had a child and that they divorced because they were too young and had taken things too far.

"How could you lie to everyone, including mom!" I shouted getting the attention of the entire room, but I didn't care. I turned to walk away and I heard Josh yelling at his mom and then I was out of the room.

I hadn't realized that I was crying until one of my tears fell onto my arm. I quickly went behind one of the nearest booths and slid down the wall, finally out of the view of the people of the convention. I sat there and cried for a while until I herd someone sit down next to me.

" Are you okay, Lee?" Someone asked and I could tell it was Josh. I shook my head and he sighed.

" I knew that my real dad and my mum had separated. I never really wanted to meet my real dad because I love my step dad," he said and I looked up. I wiped my eyes.

" I never want to see him again," I said and Josh nodded his head.

"If you want, you can come and hang out with me and the other Sidemen for a while," Josh said.

" I'd like that, but first I want to go to my mom and tell her all of this. It's not going to be fun and I don't know how she is going to take it," I said standing up and brushing myself off.

" I'll come with you if you like," he said and I smiled.

We began walking towards my booth. When we reached it I told my mom everything and she ran out of the convention crying while my sister, Nikki, just stood there looking at Josh with a smile on her face.

" So that means that you are our half brother!?" She asked and Josh nodded while laughing.

--End of  Flashback--

After hanging out with the Sidemen and telling them what happened, we started talking over Skype calls and playing and recording games together. We soon told our fans and they were very excited.

My mom and dad however, got a divorce and that was hard on everyone. I stayed with my mom while my sister went with her dad. I don't talk to him anymore, but I talk with Nikki a lot.

I was then pulled from my thoughts as I herd my Skype going off. I looked to see who it was and it was Josh.

"Hey, Lee!" He said as I answered his call.

"Hi, Josh," I said wavering at him through the call.

"How are things going?" He asked referring to when I told my parents I was bisexual 4 years ago. After I told them they kicked me out and disowned me. I moved into a house by my self and let me tell you that it isn't very easy to stay happy when most of your family has left you and the family that hasn't lives thousands of miles away.

"Not too good," I responded to his question. I then started to tear up. All the stress and loneliness starting to really get to me.

"Please don't cry, sis, I know it's hard now but it will get better," he said with a sympathetic look on his face.

"I don't know how much more I can take of this, Josh. I'm trying so hard to stay strong and I just can't," I said finally letting the tears fall.

"You know the reason I was calling you was A, to see how you were doing, and B, to see if me and the boys could come down to yours for a few weeks to help you with anything you need and hang out," Josh said. I started to smile.

"That would be lovely, when would you be coming?" I asked.

"How about next week?" He asked.

"Start packing," I said.


Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter to my first fanfiction and story that I have ever written before. I just wanted to say if you are reading this, thank you. I will try to have another chapter up soon.

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