Chapter Thirty

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I can't believe that it has been nearly two months since I found out I was pregnant. Today me and Simon are going to the doctors to do a check on the baby.

"Are you ready to leave, love?" Simon asked as he stuck his head through the door to my room. I looked up from the note pad that was in my hands.

"Yeah just let me get my shoes on," I said as I bent down to get my shoes on. Simon walked in and picked up the note pad with all of the baby name ideas on it.

"I really like the name Jacob for a boy," he said and I sat up.

"And I really like Riley for a girl," I said. We smiled at each other. He stood up and put the paper down.

"Well I guess we have the two potential names picked out then," he said and put his hand out for me to take. I gladly accepted and stood up.

We walked down the steps and to the front door. We put our coats on seeing as it's winter and extremely cold out.

"We're leaving!" Simon shouted up the stairs.

"Drive safe!" I heard Josh yell back.

With that we went out to the car. Simon put on his driving glasses and we were off.

We pulled into the parking lot and Simon parked up near the building. He stopped the car and ran around to the other side to help me up and out of the car. We walked into the building and checked in and sat down in the waiting room.

"Are you all right? You look nervous," he whispered into my ear.

"I'm fine, but yes I am a bit nervous," I said as I looked down at my lap. Simon put his hand on mine and squeezed it. I sighed and put my head on his shoulder and allowed my eyes to close.

"Lee Lane?" A nurse called and I opened my eyes. We stood up and she motioned us to follow her.

We walked down a long hallway and then went into a small white room.

"The doctor should be right with you," the nurse said before stepping out into the hallway and closed the door after her. There was an examination table/bed and I sat on it while Simon sat on a chair across from me. The room was so small that when I kicked my legs back and forth, I would hit Simon lightly.

We sat there in silence before Simon spoke up. "When do you think we will tell the fans that you're pregnant?" He asked.

I thought for a moment. "I don't know, later on though for sure. At least when we know that the baby is healthy and all," I said. He smiled and nodded.

There was a knock at the door and then it opened to reveal a woman in he late thirties in a white doctors coat.

"Hello, I'm Dr. White. I'm guessing that you are Lee and Simon, correct?" She asked gesturing to me and then Simon.

"Yes that's correct," I said and shook her hand. She then turned and shook Simon's hand.

"I'm going to guess that you are the father?" She asked/said.

"Yes I am," Simon said with a big grin on his face.

-skipping to car ride home-

We were driving back home now. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the ultrasound picture of our baby. It didn't look like a baby yet though, more like a speck.

We finally made it home and we went and sat in the living room. We sat on the couch together and looked at the pictures of our child. My legs were on top of Simon's lap and his hand was on my stomach, slowly tracing circles. I closed my eyes and just relaxed for a bit.

I heard voices coming down the stairs and the three boys came into the living room.

"Hey guys. So how did it go?" Josh asked as he sat down next to me. I leaned against his side so I was in a more comfortable position and JJ sat across from us with Vikk sitting on his lap.

"It was good. The doctor said that the baby was healthy and everything and told Lee that she needed to stop taking her antidepressant," Simon said as my eyes were still closed.

"We also got to see the baby and we brought back pictures," I said and Simon handed them out.

"The little whitish dot in the middle is the baby," Simon said pointing to it on one of the pictures.

"Damn it's tiny," JJ said squinting at the picture that Vikk had in his hands. We all laughed except for him.


Sorry that this chapter is a bit short. I'm a bit tired and I just wanted to get something posted for you guys. I know that there was a big time skip but I didn't know what else to do so yea. I'll post again on Wednesday, bye!

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