Chapter Twentyfour

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I felt a hand on my shoulder and then felt myself begin to shake. I opened my eyes to se that I was sat at my desk with my computer still on and opened up to my editing software. I looked up to see Simon. He picked me up and set me in bed with him and hugged and cuddled me close. I relaxed into his grip and fell asleep again.

This time I woke up on my own. My stomach was turning and I didn't feel too good. If I drink a glass of water maybe it will go away, I thought as I walked out of my room. I didn't make it very far before I had to go and run to the bathroom before throwing up. I was in there for a while, emptying the contents of my stomach. I felt a hand on my back and someone pulled my hair back from in front of my face.

I turned my head slightly to see Simon sit down behind me. Once I was done, I leaned back against him and he wrapped his arms around me. We sat there for a while.

"Are you feeling better yet?" He whispered to me. I nodded and he flushed the toilet. I stood up and brushed my teeth.

"Since you are sick, you had best go downstairs and lay on the couch, I'll be down in a bit," he said as he left the room. I walked down the stairs in my favorite pajamas and a fuzzy blanket wrapped around my shoulders. I walked into the living room and laid down on the couch.

About five minutes later, Simon and Josh came down the stairs already dressed and everything.

"Lee, since you are sick and all of the Sidemen has a meeting and Nikki is spending a couple of days with some new friends Freya is going to stay with you today. Is that okay with you?" Josh asked as he knelt down in front of my face. I nodded even though I didn't even feel sick anymore.

Freya came down the stairs and sat in a chair across from the couch. "I hope that it's okay that I'm going to be helping you out today," Freya said sounding a bit nervous. I nodded and Josh gave me a kiss on the forehead and Freya a kiss on the lips. Simon then came over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Get better soon, I love you," he said as he stood up.

"Love you too," I said with a small smile. The two boys walked into the hallway to wait for the other two boys. The soon came down and stopped in the doorway of the living room.

"Bye, Lee! I hope you feel better soon," they both said at the same time and then giggled a bit. I smiled and waved.


I am so sorry that this is short but I am super tired and I can't concentrate properly when I'm like this so yeah. Bye!

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