Chapter Thirtynine

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Simon had his arm around my waist and was leading me from the hospital to the car. Josh went with some of the others to pick up Nikki and bring her to the house.

The Pack was supposed to go home today but decided that they were going to stay a while longer until the situation was better. They were already at the house locking it down.

Simon was being extremely over protective since the events that happened in the previous couple of days. He won't let me go anywhere alone anymore.

"Josh texted me and told me that he has Nikki and is on the way home. He said she is shaky but doing okay," Simon spoke as he led me to the passengers side of the car and proceeded to open the door for me. I sat down and he closed the door. He went around to the other side and got in.

"Well that's good I guess," I said while fiddling with my hands in my lap. Simon put his glasses on and looked over at me. He put my hands in his and squeezed them tight.

"I know that you are stressed out right now but everything is going to be all right. Forget about YouTube and focus on other things like yourself and the baby," he said as he rubbed his thumbs over my cold, shaking hands. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Now relax and get some rest on the way home," he said and pulled out of the parking spot.

I leaned back in the seat and sighed. I put my hand on my baby bump and rubbed small circles with my thumb. I watch out the window as the city of London went by.

I felt myself being lifted from the seat of the car, I must have fallen asleep. I snuggled closer to the person that was carrying me and I could tell that it wasn't Simon, it was Tobi.

He set me down on the couch with my head in his lap and I heard loud talking enter the room.

"Oi, quiet down, she's trying to sleep," I felt the vibrations of Tobi talking. Tobi could tell that I was awake and started stroking my hair to relax me.

"Oh shit, sorry," I heard Ethan and Harry say at the same time.

"Where's Simon?" I heard Mitch ask.

"He went to go shopping for some extra things for the house since everyone is going to be staying here for a while to help out with Nikki and Lee Lee," Tobi responded. I opened my eyes and looked up at Tobi.

"So everyone is staying here now? I feel sorry for you lot having to deal with me, especially in the mornings," I said and they all laughed.


Hey guys, it's been a while. I've decided since so many things are going on right now and I'm stressed and depressed that I'm just going to start writing when I feel like it. I'm also going to start another book shortly, maybe even tonight, called 'They Call Us The Sidemen'. If you don't know what I'm talking about when I say that things are going on then you should go and read the second and last A/N, it pretty much explains it all. Ilya, bye!

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