Chapter Ten

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I was sitting on my new bed, exhausted from the days travels, even though I slept through it all. I'm already unpacked because I didn't bring much from my old home. I heard knocking on my door followed by Josh opening the door and leaving it open.

"I just wanted to make sure you were settled in and didn't need anything," he said as he sat on the bed next to me.

"Yeah I'm good. Oh and tomorrow can you take me to the pharmacy to get some stuff? I also need to do a vlog so I was thinking that I would just vlog that and the fact that I moved and all that," I said.

"Sure and we can also go to Ikea or something to get you some stuff for your room," he said as he looked around the almost empty room. He looked over to the desk and noticed my violins on the floor and he smiled.

"Now that you live here, you are going to have to play something for me at some point," he said with a smirk. I have never played any of my violins for the boys in person. I can play the piano just fine in front of then but the violin is just... Different. When I pick it up in front of any of them, I start to get really nervous and shake a lot. It's so bad that I can't even play a scale or something easy like that.

"Yeah I'm looking forward to that," I heard a voice from the doorway and looked over to see Simon leaning against the door frame.

"Come on, guys. You know how I get with that," I said. They both just nodded but still smiled. "Maybe if you are lucky, I'll let you watch me film my next video."

"Okay but I'm holding you to that!" Simon said and winked at me.

"So what is your next video going to be?" Josh asked with a curious look on his face.

"'Radioactive', but not the original way, the Pentatonix version with Lindsey Stirling but with my own twist," I said while looking at my violins.

"Holy fuck! How many violins do you have!?" Simon said looking in the direction that I was.

"Four. A school grade akustik violin, a professional grade akustik violin, an electric Stagg violin, and a wireless electric violin," I explained.

"I thought that there was only one kind of violin," Josh said and I just shook my head.

"Do you watch any of my videos!? I have used several different types of violins," I replied.

"I do I promise! I guess that I just listen more that I watch though," he said.

"Well I think that we should all get some sleep before tomorrow," Simon said.

"Goodnight," I said as they walked out of my room and I could hear them say goodnight back even though my door was closed.

-skip to morning-

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchens to see JJ and Vikk pull away from a kiss.

"Holy shit, not taking my medicine must be causing me to see some weird stuff!" I said as I laughed. They looked at me and laughed nervously as they separated from each other. "You know what, I ship it," I said and they just looked at me in surprise. And then they smiled.

"Just don't tell the others yet, please?" Vikk asked/requested. I nodded and winked at them.

"Don't tell the others what?" Josh said as Simon and him walked into the kitchen.

"That I haven't taken any of my medicine and that's why I need to go to the pharmacy," I said trying to cover for JJ and Vikk.

"What kind of medicines do you need?" Simon asked.

"Well my anti-depressant, one that prevents panic/anxiety attacks, one to help with my bipolar attitude mood swings and some other small things like over the counter pain killers for my scoliosis and bad neck and stuff like that," I said kind of quietly as I looked down at my hands. I could feel the stares from the others as they looked at me. "I forgot to pack them before leaving and I really need them."

"Well I'm ready to go if everyone else is," Josh said and everyone nodded.

"Just a sec. I have to go and get my vlogging camera from my room," I said as I ran out of the room and up the stairs. I grabbed my camera and started my intro.

"Hey guys it's Lee here and you are probably wondering, 'Lee, where are you?' Well, have I got some news for you..." I said as I reached the bottom of the stairs. "I moved in with these guys!" I said as I panned the camera to the boys as they all waved at the camera and laughed. This was going to be a good vlog!


There you go! I hope you enjoyed! Sorry that this chapter was probably really boring and bad but I am writing this at like midnight and I am really, REALLY tired. I'll still try and do another chapter tomorrow. Bye!

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