Chapter Twentythree

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I ended the stream and looked over at the four boys. They were all wearing makeup and wigs. They all looked so beautiful! Each of their makeup fit their personality and style perfectly.

"Can we take this off yet?" JJ whined. He looked at me with this pleading look.

"Yes you can. I bought some remover wipes for you guys to use. Hopefully it will make it easier to get it off," I said handing them each a cloth. They all rushed towards the bathroom. After a couple minutes, Josh, Vikk, and JJ came back into the kitchen with their makeup no longer in their faces.

Simon, however, was having problems getting his off. I had used complete different brands on him and they seemed to last a long time and not want to come off. I walked into the bathroom to see him kneeling on the counter with his face extremely close to the mirror, trying to rub the makeup off.

I had the box of remover wipes on my hand and set them on the counter and he turned around so that his legs were dangling off the edge.

"Need some help?" I asked. He looked down to the floor and nodded. I stepped in between his legs and grabbed a new wipe. I lifted his chin and began to gently rub his skin in attempt to free it of the makeup. After a while of scrubbing and rubbing, I went into the drawer on the counter and pulled out makeup remover cream.

"This might be a bit cold," I said and he just stared into my eyes as I applied the cream on a small section of his face. I then wiped it off with the remover cloth and the makeup came off with it. I did that with the rest of his face. I put the bottle and the wipes back into the drawer and Simon put his hands around my waist.

I giggled and looked up at him. His hands moved up to the small of my back as he rubbed up and down. He never stopped looking into my eyes, it was like he was in a trance. I leaned up and kissed him and he immediately responded. I pulled away and walked out of the bathroom and to the kitchen.

"Do you guys mind if Freya comes over this afternoon?" Josh asked looking a bit nervous. He had his phone in his hands and was looking from his phone to the five of us in the room.

"I don't think anyone minds and we all want to meet her," JJ said. He nodded before typing away at his screen.

-skip to when Freya arrives-

Freya sat was sat on the couch with Josh when I came down from my room. I had just finished recording and editing a video for the day. They were just sitting there talking.

Josh saw me walk past the door, "Hey Lee, come here for a second!" He shouted at me down the hall. I turned and went to stand in the doorway. Josh motioned for me to take a seat on the couch opposite of him and Freya. I walked over and sat down.

"Hi, so you must be Lee. I've heard so many things about you from Josh," she said and put her hand out for me to shake.

I grabbed her hand, "Yes I am and I hope that they were all good things. So you must be Freya. Josh can never shut up about you," I said and looked over to see Josh blushing.

"Of course they were all good things, and it's good to know that I'm always on his mind," she said looking over to Josh and placing her hand on top of his.

"Well I guess I'll leave you guys to it then, I've got some stuff that needs to be done, see you around," I said while standing up and waving slightly.

"I guess you will, bye!" She said as I walked out of the room. I guess they are a couple now. I can only guess though.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the fridge and sat on the counter to drink it. I could hear footsteps coming from up stairs. They were going fast and coming down the stairs now. All of a sudden JJ came into the kitchen and grabbed a water out of the fridge and drank it extremely fast. He looked very mad.

"What's wrong, JJ?" I must have startled him  because he jumped before turning to face me.

"It's nothing," he said sighing and leaning on the counter across from me.

"Don't lie to me, JJ!" I said in a stern voice and he took a deep breath.

"It's Vikk. He won't take a break from all of his stuff to sleep or eat and I'm worried about him. I tried to get him to just relax with me for a while and he got upset and told me to leave, so I did," he said looking at me.

"Do you want me to try and talk to him?" I asked and he just looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please," he said. This is one of the sides of him that YouTube doesn't get to see, his caring and sentimental part. I stood up from the counter and walked up the stairs and to Vikk's room. I knocked lightly.

"Go away, JJ! I'm busy!" He said a little harshly. I thought that I could hear him sniffle a bit.

"It's not JJ, it's just little old me," I said and then the door opened and he pulled me inside. He closed the door behind me and went back to his computer.

"What do you want?" he said trying to keep his voice steady.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to do something like go and eat or just hang out for a bit," I said and sat down on his bed.

"I can't. I have too much work to do," he said.

"Come on Vikk, JJ is downstairs worried sick about you! Go do something with him! Just take a ten minute break or something!" I pleaded.

"Is he really worried about me?" He asked turning towards me with a couple of tears slipping from his eyes.

"Of course he is, he loves you," I said and he just put his head in his hands.

"I've just been so stressed out lately, I'm getting behind on videos and recordings and editing. I just don't know what to do other than work, work, work," he said and I stood up from his bed. I walked over to him and put my hand on his back.

"Why don't you send me some of the stuff that needs to be edited and I can edit them for you while you spend some time with JJ. I can even put together some type of montage video for one of your channels," I said as I rubbed small circles into his back. He lifted his head from his hands slowly.

"Really, you would do that?" He said.

"Yeah, I mean what are friends for?" I said with a smile. He jumped up and hugged me tight.

"Thanks, Lee, you're the best! I'll send you some stuff right now!" He said and turned to his computer.

"Now go and have some fun-but not too much fun!" I said as I walked out of his room. I could hear him chucking to himself. I walked into my room and started to work on the stuff that Vikk had sent me.


Hey guys! I'm not dead! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will hopefully be back on my normal schedule of uploading every day. The reason this chapter took so long was because A. I have had an extremely busy week and B. I jammed my thumb and it's kind of hard to type on an iPod with one thumb. Anyways Ilya, bye!

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