Chapter Thirtysix

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We had all taken cabs to the football pitch. It's been nice to talk to some Americans again after being away for so long.

I was setting up the cameras while the boys we all spread about the pitch practicing.

I then got out the drone with the go pro on it and tested it out before putting it down. I walked over to one of the goals and started attaching a go pro to it as well. I did the same to the other goal. When I had finished, I realized that it was crooked and reached up to adjust it.

I felt something hit the back of my legs and looked down to see a football. I turned around and pushed record on the go pro before turning back to the ball. I started to do a few keep ups and then I kicked it to the other side of the pitch where it hit the crossbar at the other end.

"Holy shit!" I heard Preston say and he stood there, dumbfounded.

"LeeLee, you know you aren't supposed to be doing that, but that was insane!" Tobi said. I rolled my eyes.

"Are any of the cameras recording?" JJ asked as he ran up behind me and slung an arm over my shoulders.

"Yeah, both of the go pros in the nets, why?" I asked.

"What do you mean why? That's going to be the intro for my video! That was sick. If you weren't pregnant right now I would have tackles you to the ground," JJ said and did his famous laugh.

Simon ran up with a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay Lee? Did you hurt yourself? Go sit down and drink some water," he rambled on as he held onto my shoulders and liked me over.

"Simon, I'm perfectly fine, there is nothing to worry about," I said and kissed him.

"Hey guys are we ready to start filming yet or what?" Harry asked.

With that they started the video. The game lasted and hour and a half and I flew the drone around and got some amazing footage. The game ended and so did the video with the end score being 5-3, the sidemen obviously winning.


Told you it would be short. I went as long as I could until my thumb started to hurt really bad. Next update hopefully on Wednesday, bye.

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