Chapter Thirtyeight

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I opened my eyes and immediately closed them again. The light was just too bright. After a couple of minutes I opened them and looked around.

I was in a room that was completely white. The hospital. I sighed and looked down at my arm and there was an IV in my arm.

I brought my head up when the door opened. A doctor in a white coat walked in with Simon, Josh, and Tobi following. When they saw me they looked happier. I could tell that they had been crying because their eyes were red and puffy.

"How are you feeling, Miss Lane?" The doctor asked. I don't think I can talk right at the moment so started to use sigh language. I know Josh can sign, it's one of his secret talents I guess you could say.( italics means signing)

My head hurts like crazy, but otherwise fine. More importantly, is the baby alright? I signed as I looked at Josh. Simon and Tobi must not know that we can sign because their faces were bewildered.

"She said that her head hurts like crazy and she wants to know if the baby is alright," Josh told the doctor.

"We will give you some pain killers and the baby is perfectly fine, no need to worry," he said with a smile before walking out to find a nurse.

Simon rushed over to me as soon as the doctor had left and wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again," he whispered in my ear and I could tell that he was close to crying. He pulled away from the hug and waited for me to talk.

I won't, I promise. I signed

"She said that she won't and she promises," Josh translated.

"Since when have you guys been able to sign?" Tobi asked with a confused look on his face.

I learned when I was a toddler so I could communicate with my parents before I could actually talk.

"She learned when she was a toddler before she could talk and I learned when I was nine," Josh informed the two others before turning back to me.

What actually happened that caused you to black out? He asked.

Shannon said she would come and find Nikki, take her back and threatened to hurt and maybe even kill me. I signed backer I started to shake in fear from the memory.

Josh stood there with a blank expression as Simon and Tobi looked in between us, confused.

"I will kill that son of a bitch!" Josh said as he turned and punched the metal door frame.

"Woah, Josh. Chill. What's going on?" Tobi said trying to calm him down.

"Shannon," was all Josh had to say.
"She threatened to kill Lee," he said and leaned his forehead against the door frame and sobbed.

Freya walked in and comforted Josh.

"That piece of shit!" Simon said and clenched his fists. I reached over and grabbed one of his closed hands in mine. He looked down at me and he relaxed a bit. He sat down in the chair next to the bed I was one and took hold of my hand.

"I love you," he said and kissed my hand.

I love you too. He must have known what I said because he smiled wide and kissed me.

"Aww you guys are so adorable," the nurse said as she came in with a small cup full of medicine and a cup of water. She set them on the short table beside me.

Thank you. I signed not really expecting a response.

You're welcome. She signed back and I must have looked surprised because she giggled a bit before walking out.

"When we get home, we are going to get Nikki and she is going to stay with us until this thing is settled. I'm not about to lose my sister," Josh said turning from the door frame and standing up straight.



Sorry it's a bit short but I was awoken early this morning by an earthquake so yeah. I'm really tired. I honestly don't know where this story is going any more. Do you guys even enjoy it anymore? If you guys aren't liking it then I could start writing my other book idea but that means that I need you guys to comment and let me know. I love you all, bye.

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